Resolution 03002U 99 Q RESCETTION NE. 3002 AUTTIORRAMAG INWESTIDENT u MONEYS BELONGING TO sliTINIEITAL LAPROVNINT FUND DE, 10, SYNEOPAG YORg" IN UNIAT! STATES GASGICE1 BORED, GER= F. WEREEAS, thmere is an amount cf.' money in. excess of $30,858. in the treasuiv of the City of Alameda to the credit of and. belonging to that cemtain sinktmg fund known as "31unicipEl improvement Fund Le. 10, Sinkimg IVEMM" estab- lished by Ordinapne ho, 599, passed. dune 4, 1912, for thE pumpose of fonoSMLng for the paymemt of principal amid interemt bomfing dme on munIcital improvmment bonds of thb Gity of AlamEda authorized and.. issued. pursue..1m to said. Ordicatme and dated November 1, 1912f, ard. Widf.qhfS, said poen of $30,898. is hot resmiten. for the immediate neces- sities Of Lilo City or et said fund; 3E IT RESOLVED BY BEE COUNCIL OY TEE CITY' OF ALAMEDA thaM the sum of $.30,8318. out of the moneys belonging to said tMnicipal Dcprovement Fund. Ho. 10, Sinking fMnd, bm and the smhe is hereby ordered invested in United. States Boy - ingm Bonds, Beriem fh, enM the Treasurer of Mee City' of Alameda is hereby au- thorized. FILM. diremted to pumchase forthwith. lE the hEme of tte City of Alnmeda and of said sinking fund. and with the moneys his ctitnEy belonging to senb. sinning funn, tnited. States Savihd?).)s Donis, Series )1 at the cc:trent purchase prism or issue cost thmreof establithed by the Patted. States and of the. aggre- gtte mmrchnse cr issue: value of (330,85$. SpiM. United. States .)e...efings. 'Bonds, when. so pnrchnses, shall be. held. in. and. to thm credit of said sinking fumd. emM.. tf and. whet ordered redeemed, the hmAndmmis thereof shaJA be oreMdted to add hEld. in said. simking fund. end. spriled to the purposes for which sedb. sinkihg fmnd was created- I, the aliderEdgiled, hereby certifv- that the foregoing RefRAMMfaus wos duly regulorly introduced and adopted. by the Council of the City of Aiammda regular meeting assembled on thm 20th day of June, 1944, by the following vote, to mnt: AYESt Councilmmh Branspheld, Jonesh Osborn end. President Godfrey, (5). OSS: None, ASSENT: Scuts. TM NEGNEED tHERENS I havm bmreuhtp set my hand mEi affixed the official. semi of said Cgtfy this 21st day of hume, 1$44. OGNSRE R. .HZ2,',T' ferk of the TTE7-71.7 I hereby certify that the feregrMag els a Pell dm:Le and correct copy of TOesolution.. Dtm 3002, AtTEiCORTNING INPFDTPENT u MONTY'S NMAEhY33- TO tNUESCilt)l. APPRO1S1ditif STD DO. 11 , BEDEIM. FOND.' IN Ulbiled CREPPES OMORROGS OOMMS, EBEATEE fg" irtmoduced. and admpted bp. tne Oonmmil on the 20t1- day of Jure, 1944. \. Egag.f..ms,g so fy Clerk of th.)(f. ity of Aiammdu