Resolution 03010diESOilkEtili AO. 3010 7TMIka TEE SAILAM. OF THE CITY ACOMMOR AND OF Tim G-T-T, _TREIMMN. THE COUEWIL CdA TEE CITY OF AL1dEDA that the salary of kbe Auditor of the City of Alemaa, from and after the beinmiyng of the new term of office, to wit. from Erna. after einbt o'clock p. m., cb. ThEsday, thm 17th day of April, 1945, be and thb samb is hereby fimad at AmO0.00 per month - Mk .72T FiddEdiddl RESOMVEL that the salary of the Treasurer of nhe City of Aladede, fieJLi. .4 nd. after the boglnbiag of tno nuw term. of office, to wit, from clad after eighk o'cleEk p. m., on. Tuesday, the '4 .4 day. of April, 1945, be end the samu is hereby fixed. ab $1,00.0.0 der month- I, Mae hiersigned, dEreby certify that the foregoing liesoldtion. was .ftuly end reguldrly intrmduced and adopted by thE Council of the City of Alameda in addodrned regular meeting assembled on. the 27th. day of Jobe, 1944, ay tan following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Andnocheid, Rowe, :herbs, Osborn and President Codfrey, (5)„ EASEM Eons. ADEELL: Nand. IN iilEd3IES ARERECF, I. hays hereunto met my hand ebd affixed. the offi- ial seal of said City thls 28th day et' Juba, 19.1,Zm LOYAMA 2 4. ukty Dierk 45-7=767/7- I hErnby certify Miat thb Corea:ding im a full, truu abb.. correct copy of "Resoluion Eo. 3010, EIXENG TOE SALARY OF TUE c'ia-'y AUDITOR AND DE' THE CITY IMCWASEE3A," introduced end. adopted by. the Council on tne 27th day of June, 1944- 2.. city. Clerk. Alameda