Resolution 03013SECatCYSON NO, d013 IhG0ilt0 11t0 SIXLISCS Or ISLS NTM),LTIUS) SUNIfft) frOGOUNC,' COUSSOk-STAYMAI dff, 55dfd CISITGYtk 5diE ()fife': INMItENFSCP. ISSO SIEfffINICTSC)frefff CT' SSITI0fEOM RESOLVEIC SY THE COUNCIL OF SIGS CITY OF ALICSECA. as follows: The salary. for the positicm. of 'II-osior Account Oferk-lyuist in the Goneral Adgdmistrative Department of the City, office of the City Emgineof and. Superintehtlent of Streets, is hereby fiksd at SYSO„ per month- T, the xfolorsigrxnd, hereby certify that the foregoitts Cmcs lotion was uly. and regularly introduced. and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in ragufmr meeting, assoknidd cm. tna 5th day of Tufty, ISAM, by the following vgte, to wit: AYES: Councilman. Bransah&gd, Uowe, Jones, Osborn and. Presidgut Godfrey, (5) )00SE: Uome. ANCENT: Done. kifemNs 4Ussouf, I qaVe nereunto SeD Lly nand csd affixed tbc offi- cio,' seal. of said. City. tkjs Oth day of f-uly, LUIRENT) 'TT Otrft Clerk al tne a 1. hereby certify. that the foregoing is full, true ama correct cosy of "Resolution. no. deld, 2IXING THE SALARY' Off THE POSITION' OF MUNSON. ACCOUNT CLERK- 'PITTS" MU all; OFFICE Of THE CITY TfeeINEER AND SUPIlmilffsNefff Of STIC.fht5,5 intro - c ed. arid act.op erfi by the C ottec 11 on the 5t)t) day of :hely , tttet.