Resolution 03050RSSOLUTIOR NO. 2050 'RESOLUTION APTOINTING OCHOLUXIASUAN TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF ADAM:SBA. ON IRA COMMITS:SE PROVIDES HY a555=a15 25 OF 1942 ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE APBRUPRIATIUG S105000,000. FOR 1E1 DEMBROPMENT OF A POSTWAR AUBISO PROGRAM BY "ES STATE ANS Luck', AGYNOINS. g MISSTEPS the 1.924 Extra Session of the CalLOornis Legahlature adopted am. act entitled.: "An act maXAug an appropriation. for allocatitn to cities, counties, and citias and counties to develop a postwar public bmrks program camprising the preparation of surveys, and pions and specifications for proposed public works and the acquisition of rights-of-way and sites for major streets, roads, bridges, sewerage apd other public facilities, and providing the procedure for makAng such 45 3' Approved Junt 2.0, 1942. (Statutes Extra Section. 1942, Chapter 27) bid:AREAS Section. 6 of the said Act appropriated the sum. of $10,000,000. to be expended puss:Pant to allocation to local agencies made in accordance with the provisions of the Act and for the purposes of administering tilt Act, and brEREAS by Section. 7 of said Act, out of tte mcmay appropriated by Sec- tion 6, 6,8T5,000. WO3 set asihd for the purpose of defraying. the State's share of tbn cost of preparing plans for specific projerts and is to be allorated, for thia purpose, to local agencies as provided in. Section 25 of thn Act, and WIEHEAS by Section 16 of the Act 113,000,000. is set aside for the pur- pose of paying the State' shpre of the cost of acquisition by local agencies of rights-of-way and sites for publim wrsAm projects, end WUSHEAS said Sertirn 25 sets up the procedure for allocating to cities and a:Nth:Ammo the State funds appropriated by the Act, and WHEREAS the last paragraph of said Sectiom. 25 containm the fallowing exreption: "Esxwrit that where tbn urximum amount to be allocated to any courty undor this phrograph th leas thhn if per cent of the sum of thh miximum amount and county area amount to be allrcated under Seotion 7 and under Sectian 16 to all Theo' agencips within the county, including the county, the allocations out of such 311M. shall be ,5 ‚5 45, a local commission. contisting of three members appointed by the Board of Supervisors three members appointed. by a com- ittee composed of one representative demignated by the logisUptime body of each. 1 thn cities wMthim the county,. and. onh mtaber appointed by the six other mem- bers. This Local commission shall determine the maximra amount to be allcoated to Ape codaty, but nht leps than 10 new cent of Mee above sum allocoaed to all local agencies within the county, including the county, and the balance shall 0 allocated to the cities within the county as a group to be diviChd among thhm aucording to the ratio of the population of any particular '6. as reported by the United. 51. Census of 1940 to the total population of all the citdps in the county as reported. by the United. States Census of 1920." and WHEREAS thh o of Alraeda falls within the foregoing exception, and WHEREAS it is necessary that the local coumAgrNiton required. by said. Sec- tion 25 to deter:Also the allocation. 5) State funks to local agephies in. Alameda County be apprinted immediately in order that such. local commission may be or- ganized and may perform. its functions of determining such. allocation for the County of Alameda and thh six citids therein, nob, therefore, 45 it RASOLVAT: By thh Council of tne. City of Alameda that Don. GA McMillan be, and. he ih hereby, appointed. as a committee-man to represent thr City of Alah made" as FA member of thd committre composed of ono representative dmsignated by the legislative hodw of each of the cities withAA the County of Alameda for the purpose of (3 45, and aprointdng the three members of the lo45 al. commission authorized by fro last paragraph of Section 25 of said. Act to perform the functions of allocating State fupdh to local... agencies in Alameda County in accordance with provisions of said. Apt. r 1 o I, the undersigned, hereby cor.oiy that the foregoing Resolution was duly and. regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assemble(1 . on U) dug of October, 194E, by Mae following voted to wit) AYES: Councilmen Enanschld, Howe, Jones, Osborn and President Godfreyg (5). NOES: Nene, ABSINT: None, IN VEEN:SFS VHERROF, I have hereunto set my hand. and affixEd the offi- cial seal of said. City this 4th. day. of October, 1944. J. h. CLARK (SEAL) ClEy llern °I the City. (57Amameda • I hereby certify. Unit the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. ro. 3050, RESOILUTIBE APPOETEDIG CAUTAITTBEEAN TO RETRESEET TEN CITY OP ALAMEDA ON THE COELHAFEEE PROVIDED BY SECTION 25 OF 19.41 ACT ap UTE LEBISIATBRE AREDOTRIEETINII $10,000,000, FOR THE DEVEIR0BEENT ar A POSTWAR =SIC FREBRIT BY TRE sTAal AND LOCAL I.:GER4 IL:3d" introduced and adopted by the Council on. the 3rd day of October, 1944. • / City. omuys: of the Cfty of 1 a;E7(77n