Resolution 03086RESOIAITION Nil. 3086
) lacifilei that the City of Alameda
dsiderrte arid id le 1 in led crilitifihn tiod dor conedi nips Lenoir:cif ter nehti easei
tic! fociailder subetanvirliy in words ond fin:free as feilowe:
ditin Caluten C,S
cdrie TIDY r.d)),S27.Frilia DIDIAINIT Of diALLFCRIIIII
GOOThilii) idiRilaff
IRLaintiff, )
vs. )
G erta i ri "pa reel c of la rad in the ()it y )
of Alameda, County of Ai:amens, State )
of Cal if orn i. a . ANOLOAOINITIniidalia )
RATIONAL DANA', et al. )
DasLLL.L.,11, OF
neR 22461-G
ryll'ENDAST2 CITY OS' AlikblEild,
The Crefelidant Giros of Alameda, a crinfolpal dcanieration -of the Sicite of
Cal Crobeini eddreby disc) e Cht e or interest La that portion
of the larnis taiden by plaintiff in the above entitled retina Aitich portdon
is nurse tartitulatuly described idd thre aitestivost en fi.le herein
as fares] L, ead dien)sIme rinrt to any cemeeneatian bIlch ery here-
after be aistartled. 1.".:1 17,6 Of unreel.
Thar: Id; neldleknor is, limited exclusively to the sue:rifle parcel. of land
hereisabeve referred to, as the same is separately:numbered and. portion-lar-
dy described In seld Aossnieest to Complaint, ann. shall nat prialunice dne
City of Alameda To claims or rifyhts hp. and to trio rervaindsr th e a
described in the eordplaint, the, iircendmout, te; Complaint; anti the. Second. Amend-
menI, to Ociortioist on file hovels, as set forth in the defendant, Cdty of
illoseedia Na Answer cia flit) in the piety ea -Li RI ed. ati 1,5_
troselatied, cif the ity Council of the City of AiriNeede authericlas, tine
filing of this. Partial Disolaircer tine cleave entitled. ncti ori barete
this ciao- of _
City Attorney, AtteTheinfor
defendant City ef Afteradda,
a municipol corporation:
nOSOLTID, FURTHER, that the Gity attorney. of the dity of alaveds ben.
end. he is hereby, autaterized erd. directed to execute ere file the
DiSelaiMer ill the ahuva antitidd action, on. lehrlf of the Citey Of ;blame-de.
I, the undertigne, hereby erti..fy that the oret:RR-Ai Resolution dodo
duly" apd regularly introduces. ono adopted. bv- thn Cocchi:1 of the City of AlArdada
in sauslar meeting assembled ar, the 6th day of February, 1945, by. the fent,t11hg
vote, toe wit:
nitirDS: licardeerieici, Howie, JOIleS, Osbcynn and RiN,-;
GOrlf y 5 ) „
hg).ES: Nene.
)3,s. tone.
Ardind, I have .Pereunto set my nand a.nd rifisiveni of
clad coal el' said Olt., this 7th dia:r Februhry,
d . Ask of ane tioy o