Resolution 03113RESOLUTION NO. 3113 CANCELLING! CITY HAXES ON PROPERTY OF THE UNIlaD STATES. V(EIEREAS, certain real property situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and more particularly described es follows: PARCEL 0: Beginning at the railroadarail monument in. the southerly line of Tract 36 as shown on the map filed in book 25 of maps et pages 74, to 75, inclusive, in the office of tine Recorder of said Alameda County and entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Land"; thence north 80* 54, west along the southerly line of said Tract 36 a distance of 95.92 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel. of Land firstly described in the deed dated July 13, 1242, Southern Pacific Company to the United Engineering Company, Std. ann recorded in Volume 4247 at page 304, Official Records cf Alameda County; tnence north 1* 321 west along the easterly line of said parcel of land, 142.52 feet (shown in said deed as 139.9e feet) to a print in the present southerly pierhead line of the Oakland Estuary approved by the War Department 0 March 31,1941; thence north 82* 101 16* east along said pierhead line, 2035.49 feet to point 83 of said pierhead line; thence continuing along niers head line, south 79* 191 05" east, 642.60 feet to a po1pt in the westerly line of the parcel cf land conveyed. to the Tide Water Associated Oil Company' by the Southern Pacific CompaRy by deed dated August 8, 1941, and recorded in Volume 4142, page lb, Official Records of Alameda County; thence south 14* 191 30" west along said westerly line and its southerly' extension, 56f_71) feet to a point in the southerly line of said Tract 36; thence north 78* 521 30" west ainng tae south- erly line of said tract 36 a distance of 2477.19 fee to the point or hoginting, containing an area of 23.592 acres, more or less, and beiing a portion of said tract 36; PARCEL C Upginning at the most southerly corner of Tract 36 as 000'30 upon the map filed in bock 25 of maps at pages 74 to 28, inclusive, in the office of the Recorder of said Alameda county, entitled "Dip of Also:set:a Marsh Lhnel"; thence north 78* 521 30" west along the southerly line of said Tract 38 a. dis- tance of .5):1.18 feet to e point in the southerly extension of the westerly line or the phrcel of land conveyed to the Tide weter Associated Oil. Company by the Southern Pacific Cembeny by deed dated August 8, 1941 and recorded in Volume 4142 at page le, Official Records of Alameda County; thence north 14* 191 30" east on said southerly extension, 83.20 feet to the most y,esterly corner of the parcel of lan4 . conveyad by said deed; thence south 52* 491 east along the southwesterly line of said parcel of land, 82.16 feet to the southerly line of sai5 . parcel. of land; thence south 52* 331 east along tfte southerly' line of said parcel of Land, 283.99 feet; thence south 89* 091 30" east along the southerly line of said parcel of land 250.17 feet to the easterly line of said tract 36; thence south l 501 east thereon, 85.18 feet Pc the point of beginning, containing an. -re- of 0.634 of an sore, more or less, and being a portion of said Tract 36, together with the improved roadway' thereon. (The ab0ve hToparty described. as "Parcel E" and "Parcel "C" is assessed on City' of Alameda Tax Dills 010500-D and 7(7,10500-E, State ilurn of Equalization Map 872-1-126C, Parcels 25 and 26) PARCEL 0 at .40 railroad-rail mnnumeet in the northerly line of Tract 40 as shown on the map riled in book 25 of Maps at page 74 to 78 inclusive, in the office of the Recorder of said Alameda County and entitled, "Map of Alameda Marsh Land"; thence north 50* 541 west along the northerly line of said Tract 40, 98.92 feet to the northeast corner of the pardel of land conveyed to the United Engineering Company, Ltd., by the Central Pacific Railway Company by deed dated July 13, 1942, and recorded in Volume 424T at page 303, Official Records of Alameda. County; thence south 1* 39! east along the easterly llne of said parcel of land, 429.38 feet to a point distant 75.00 feet at right angles northerly from the westerly exteasipn of the course described as "North 89* 161 west 2004.57 feet" in the deed dated March 7, 1904, The Oakland Water Front Company to the Central Pacific Railvay, Company, recorded in book 952 of Deeds, at page 295, Alameda County Records; thence senth 89* 181 east parallel to said line described as "North 89* 161 west 2004,57 feet" in said deed and its westerly extension, 2144.57 feet; thence north 84* 721 east, 139,74 feet; thence south 7d* 52 Y 30" east, 223.98 feet to a point in the southerly extension of the westerly line of the parcel cf gond conveyed to the Tide Water Associated Oil Company by the Southern. Pacific Company he deed dated Auguat-E, 1941, and recorded in Volume 4142, page 18, Official Records of said County of Alameda; thence hcrth 14* 19, 30“ east along said southerly extension 45.19 feet to a point in the southerly line of Tract 39 as shown on said "Map of Alameda Marsh Land"; thence north 78* 52' 30" west along said southerly line 2477.19 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 14.447 acres, more or less, end being a portion of Tracts 39 ant 4.0 as shown on said "Map o' Alameda Marsh iand,'; PARCEL E: Ref-inning at the most southerly comer of Tract 36 as shown upon the map filed in book 25 of Maps at pales 74. to 78, inclusive, in the office of the Recorder of said rilameda County, entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Land"; thence north 78* 52! 30" west along the southerly lire of said Tract 30 s dis- tance. of 591.18 feet to e point in the southerly extension of the westerly line of the parcel of land conveyed to the Tide Water Associated Cil Company by the Southern Pacific Company by deed dated August 8, 1941 and recorded in Volume 4142, page 18, official Records of Alameda County; thence south 14* 19 30" west along said southerly extension 45.12 feet; thence south 78* 52' 30" east, 421.40 feet; thence easterly on 9 curve to the right tangent to the last described course and having a radios or 454.56 feet, through on angle of 20* 060 30" a tance of 198.02 feet to a point in Lie easterly line df Tract 39 as shown or said map; thnnce north 0* 30' west alpng, said easterly line,. 51.37 feet te the point of be4inning, containing an area of 0.676 of an acre, more or less, and being a portion of said Tract 29; (The above property described as "Parcel D" and "Darcel E" is assessed on City of Alameda Tax Pill #10500-B, State Hoard of ET4alitation Map 81-64D, Parcel 12) bas bean assessed heretofore to ' the City of Alameda for the fiscal year 1944-1945, and the second installment of the general municipal and special assessment tares levied thereon is uncollected and unpaid; and WEEREAN, by deed. dated December 4, 19.44 and recorded on the leth day of December, 1944, under Recorder's Series No, 190/78953, Alameda County Records, the Unit,,:d States of America acquired title to the nereinabove described property, and actual possession of said proberty was exercised by the United States prior thereto under acceptance of an option on October 26, 1944; and WHEREAS, the said real property ever since has been, End new Es, owned by the United Ctates of America and because of such public awherahle is not sub- ject tO, sale for delinquent taxes; NOW, TFERREOPZ, BE IT :RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE COINCIL 0' TEE CITY OF A1AME2.19, 1A-3:tn. the written approval of the City Attorney of said City, that all uncollected City of Alameda taxes or assessments for the second installment for the year 1944-1945, and penalties and costs thereon, including special assessments levied under the provisions of trc "Acquisition and Improvement Act of 1925", how a lien upon the above described real property, he, and the same are hereby, cancelled, and the Auditor and Tax Collector of the City of Alameda aro hereby ordered and directed to cancel the second Lastailmant of said taxes, assessments, penalties and costs on their respective books. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, anything in this resolution to the contrary notwithstanding, that this resolution End order shall rot be construed es cancel- ling, cr authorizing the cancellation of, any taxes or assessments or penalties or costs thereon charged or levied on any possessory interest in or to said real property, or any other special assessment levied on said re property. CONSENT OF TEN CITY ATTORNEY OF TICE CITY OF AINNEBA, STATE CF CALIFORNEA. The City Attorney of the City cf Alameda, State of California, hereby connents to the cancellation of 811 of the seconn installment cf uncollected City of Alameda taxes or assessments and penalties or costs thereon, for the fiscal yetir 1944-1945, charged and levied and now a lien upon that certain real property hereinabove described. Dated; April 4, 1945. STANLEY Le WHITNEY City Attorney for the City of lameda, State of California, 477 I, the undersigned, hereby a.ertifT that the foregoing Resolution was 01y end regularly intredeued and adopted by- the Council of tne City- of Alamedg in adjourned regular meeting assembled crsthe f)th day of A ril, 1545, by tne following vote, to INit: AYES: Councilmen Dranscheld, Howe, Series, Osborn and President Godfrey, (5), NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WIHNESS WHEREOF, I hove hereunto set my nand and affixed the offi- cial seal of maid City this 10th day of April, 1245. P. CLJRY City Olerk ef the City of Alameda * * * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of 4Resoluti00 No. 3113, CANCELLING CITY TAXES ON PROPEPTY OF Tia: UNITED STATES," introduced ond adopted by the Council on tne rd day of April, 1945. City Cleiu 'of the C. y of Alameda