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Resolution 03115RESOLUTION NO. 311!) LESIGNSTING CERTAIN LANDS TN THE CITY OF TLALEDA AS "GODFREY is s, by Resolution No. 5103, p.9,ed nirQn 6, 1945, this Council dedicated certain property on Pay FbriP Island to public use for playground purposes; and WHEREAS, Mayor Milton C. Confrey was, OD 1U0131; 22, 1526, appointed as a member of the City Planning Commission of the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, on 5u5t 26, 1936, he was aporintod as a membsr of the Council of tne City cf Alameda; and WHEREAS, since rneember 6, 1941, he has served the City of Alamnda ao Mayor ead President of the Council; and WHEREAS, an this date said mayor Milton C. Godfrey is retiring from public service of the City Qr Alameda; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of tare City Council, on behalf of itself and of the citizens of said city, to recognize the many years af faithful, honest and altruistic servlce of L(ayor Hilton C. Godfrey, by this resoluti oni NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the land on Boy Farm Island heretofore dedicated to public use for play- ground purposes as heroinaboye set forth, whi ch land is more particularly described in Resolution No. 3103, be, and the same is hereby, designated and shell be known henneforth as "Godfrey Fork." * * * * * * * * 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Nesolutlon was duly- and regularly introduced ond adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in adjourned regular meeting assembled on the 2th Is of April, 1545, ty the following vote, to wit: AYESh Councilman dranscheid, Howe, Ionen, and Osborn, ( NOES: ABSENT; None. NOT VOTING: President Godfrey, (1). IN WITNESS "WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the o cial seal of said City this 10th day of April, 194.5. P. CLARE. City Clerk of the City ef Alameda 0 hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of fResolutlon No. 3115, LiESIONATIRG CERTAIN LANDS IN TUE CITY LAMEDA AS ā€¯GOPERCY TARN," introduced and adented by the Council on the 9th day of April, 1945. City Gyerk of the City of Alameda