Resolution 03119REEOLIMION TM. File CANCELLING CITY TAXES ON REAL PROPERTY ACGUIRED BY THE iFTEM.XLS' WELIVIRE_BOARD.OFIKEE_STATE OF CALIFORN1A, WHEREAS, the City of Alambda heretofore assessed and. levted taxes for general mucdPipaimpurposes against certain parcels of real. property situated in the City •of Siameds, County of Ainmeda, State of California, hereinafter more particularly referred to, whh.ch tamns were assessed and levied. respectivaly for the years and in tho amPunto and to the persons 15 13 aet forth, to wit; (al lames for 2nd installment 1944-45, in the amount of $015.40; Assessed to Sidney R. Glob and. Mniva Lucille Glob; On pamal beginning on the Southern. line of Nnoinal Ave., distant thxreon Westerly 84-OF feet from the thtersehticla thereof Edth the Western line of IMund Street, as said. avenue and street now emInt; running thespe Westerly along said line of fricinad Avenue 41.92 feet; thence at rigEt angles Southerly 100 feet; thence at rtXnt angles Easterly 41.97 feet; thence at right angles Northerly 100 feet to the point of beginning. Beinx a portion of Block 75, s said block is shown. on tne "Map of the TOW). of Alameda and. Adjacent lachs", filed September L2, 166T, in Book 5 of Maps at Page. 16, in. the office of the County Recorder of Alameda. County; (t) Taxes for 2nd installment 1944-15, in the amount of $10.27, Assessed to Edmund Vb Krumel and ;Sabel E. Krumel; On parcel beginning at the point of interection of fue Northwestern line of thvand Street and the Southwestern line of Fillmore Street (formerly Webster Street); runndng thence Southwesterly along s line of Mound Street 50 feet; thence at rigvMfngies Northwesterly 80 feet; thence at right angles EXPtheasterly 50 feet to said. line of Fillmore Street; thence Soutneasterly along said last named line 80 feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion. of Block 52, as said. Bleck is delineated and so desighated upon that certain mat entitled, "Map of the loom. of Alemedm and Adjacent Lands" filed Septem- ber 12, lt1,67 in Book 5 of Maps, at Page 16, in. the office of the County Rscordor of Alameda County, the parcels of land hereinbefore referred to being partipuinrly dexcribeh in. the vnrified petition of the Veterans' Welfare Board. of the State of Californdm hearing the date of April 16, 1945; and WHEREAT, it satisiMmtorily appearing to this Council. from. said verified petition on fils with. the Coumtil of the City of AlOkeda, and. tais Council Thin. satisfactory probf thereof so finds, that after the timp that saib, assessments and. taxes became a lien respeotively on the said parcels of peal property said parcels of real property. were acquired and owned, anh. ever since have been and. now are owned, by. the Veterans' Welfare Board of the State of California, a. pub- lic corporathbn, and because of sumh public ownership ame not subject to sale for delinquont tames; and WEARERS, thb aforesaid tambs and assensmapts levimd on said respective barbels of lard. in the amounts respebtively heralubeforo set forth, are uncel- 1—, Nu- lecten and drags:tau NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, the written consent of the Ofty Attorney. of the City of Alameda having been given hereMdfore as reuulred by law, that the aforesaid. Is Mimes and. assess- mmIA charged or levieh by the City of Alameda for city. purposes upon thm afore- said. parcels of real property, together with all penalties and costs thereon, be, and. the same aro hereby, canmelled, and the Auditor and Tam Collector or otter officer of the City of Al/S 0(3 aving the custody of the record. thereof, are hereby authorized and directed to cancel much taxes ash assessmnnts so levied or charged, together with all penalties and costs tnerecn, and. to make appropriate entries and recorU of sumh cancellation (3 their rempective books; and BE If YURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that if any of the aforesaid parcels of real property have been sold to the City for nonmpayment of any of thn afore- said uncollected tumns, assessmphts and. penalties or costs thereon hereinabove ordered to be ormicelled, and. a certificate of sain or deed. therefor Las been. issued t1 the City, 1 nb. the (City has not disposed of said property so sold, the officer having C1stody of the record thereof be, and he is hbreby, directed to cancel the certificate of sole or deed so issued. BE IT FTTIVEHER RESOLVED, anything in. this resolution to the contrary. notwithetandin that Mais resolution and order shalE not be construed as can- celling or authorizing the cancellation of any taxes or assessments levied. or charged. against any possessory interest. in said parcels of real property or of any spenial assessment taxes against said parcels of real property by. thb City of Alameda pursuant to the provisions of the "Acquisition and Improvement Act of 1925." * * * * * * * * * * I, the undatinwansti, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly. and resnfitwnhy introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regbiar meeting assembled on the ist day of Bay, 190, by the following vote, to wits AYES: Councilmen Jonas, Osborn, Sweeney.. and President Braracheid, NOES: None. ANSEOTP: Councilman Howe, (1). IN WITNEES WitEdiEEF, hbve hbreunto oat my hand and taffixad the offi- cial. seal of said City this 2nd. day. 1 01 , 13)45 CLARK (sEAL) City Clet7k of the City- (7.17AlarabdiT-- I herbby certify Mist tha Bwregoing is a full, true and. correct copy' or vilosolution_No. 3119, -1l_1FG CITY TAXES ON REAL PROPERTY ACTT-TR-2D BY TEE VAIERALEt WEliMBE BOARD OF MEV STATE OV CALErnhTiS," introduced and adopted by the Council dn. the ist day of Eby, 1945„ er o th e t y 717- A lai7d —