Resolution 031254 9 5
AS A 10777IIC PSOINWIS, _mon on
RESCINEI SI TPI COUNCII., OF TIT CITY OF AIMILADA. that those certain. parcels
of land pit:toted. in the City of Alameda, County. of Alameda, State of California,
more particularly described. as follows:
All thet reel propsrhy in the City of niamede, County of Alameda,
State of California, being a portion of Section. 19, T. 2 S.,
R. 3 w., 81. D. B. M. MI, described as follows:
COMMENCING at a point on the easterly'. line of Maitionn Drive,
State 'Highway Route IV-Ain-69-41a; formerly County Road No.
1468, said. point of commencement being distant, along the
nomtherly' line of net 12 of said Section, 19, West, 20i-77
feet and along the easterly line of said Maitland Drive, N.
11* 00! Ns, 0.47 feet from a. gmasite monument, mprking the
northeasterly corner of Lut 12 of Section. 19; thence from.
said point of commencement along the easterly. line of said
Maitland 'Drive N. Li* 00! W., 245.04- feet to a point of ouzo;
thence leaving said easterly line, from. a tangunt that bears
S. 11* OC! E along a curve to the left, with a radius of
150 feet through an. angle of 64* 21! 45n, a ftistance of
168t50 feet to a line parallel with and 50 feet northerly
measured at right angles from the center line of the survey
for the Novel Access Road between liaLtLand Loive and. Earhart
Road, DA-NR-81; thence along said. parallel. line S- 78* 21' 488
E., 2017.88 feet; thence leaving said yo7hHPk)1 lino, S- 82*
37! 30n E., 295.17 feet to a eurve concentric with. and 80 feet
northerlym measured radially, from the center line of said sur-
vey; thence from. a. tangent that hears S- 80* 21t 58" Eo, along
said. concentric curve to the left /4 a radius of 1920 feet,
through an angle of 12* 30! 15n, a. distanoe of 4.19.02 feet, and
084 4-78 E., 123.05 feet to the easterly line of said
.. section 19, said. easterly.. llnu beihg the easterly :ine of thm
City' of Alomedag thence along said. easterly line South. 160.20
• fest to a line narallhi with anh distant southerlym 80 feet,
measured at right angles from tae center line of said. surveyo
thence along said parallel line, S. 87* 071 47" NM feet,
and along a curve '4 the right, tangent to the lost mentioned
coarse, a radius of 2080 feet, through an. angle of 12* SO!
ditstence of 453.9A feet; thonce ka 71* 110 40n w., 307.55
feet to e lino mareilhl with and. distaoh southerly 50 feet,
Measured at right angles, from the center line of said survey;
thecae along said serallei line, N. 78* al 438 18., 2024.58
feet; thence tamgent to the last mentioned. course, along a.
curve to the left, with a radlus '4 25 feet through an. angle
of 115* 384 20h, a distahee of 50,46 feet to the point of com-
mencement. OchtsifficS 7.80 acres, more or less.
ISTAMMITY0 therefrom the following portion thereof:
COMMENCING. at a point In the Feet line of Lot 16, Section 19,
Tewhohip 2 South, Noinge 3 West, NI r. ho M ifm, as said lot is
delineated ash so designated on that certain Map entitled
npele Map No. 10 of salt Yersh and. Tide Lands situated. in the
county of Alameda, State of California" and filed June 9, 1888,
in. the ohfice of the County Peco.rder of Alameda County in Mao
Book 17, at Page 50, said point bears South 78* 52! 03" East
1 feet from a granite monument set in. tho Northeast cor-
ner of Lot 12 of said Section. 1.9„ and running thence North
along said Ehht line of Lot 16, 80.10 feet; thence Souhh 87*
07! 47“ west 128.08 feet to a point of curve; thehce. along
said curve to tie right, having a radius of 1920 feet, an arc
distance. of 57.14 feet to a point; paid. point being the true
point of beginning for the parcel of lanO herein described;
thence along aforesaid curve (long chord bears North ,*41
288 Whst) an arc distance of 330.92 feet; thsoce Sohth 161.48
feet; thence Easterly on a cumve to the left toying a radius
of 2080 feet (long chord. bears South *34/, 14" East) an arc
distance of 380.79 feet to a. point 165 feet West of the Fiast
line of' said hot IS: thence North. 160.06 feet to the point of
begihning. COF1IVING 1.212 Acres, more or less,
be, ace the samo are hereby, dehicted as, and for the purposes of, a public stre t
or hIghmey.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing: Resolution was
duly and regularly introduced ond adopted by. the Council cf the City of Ainneds
in regular meeting assembled on. the lst day of Nay, 1945, by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Jmnpo, Osborn, Sweeney and Presidwnt Eranscheid,
NOES: Tione.
ABSENT.: Councilman Nowa, (I).
IN WEITTENS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set nip. hand_ and affixed thA offi-
cial seal or sale. City tnis 2n1! . day of May-, 1945.
y Clerk of the City(of Aiwnede
I. hereby certify thAt thA foregoing is a. full, true and correct copy- of
A PUBLIC SICE.WY." imuirodwced amd Adopted My. the Coummil on. thw ist day of May,
• (
City Cle-f of' the City of Alameaa.