Resolution 031267 RESOLUTION- NO. 3128 RESOLUTION AEFENESZING THE TAKING OF A SPECIAL CENSUS OF TRH CITY- OF .MliNvift EY' TEE 3uREAu THE CENSUS OF THE UNITED SEVENS; ARVECEIZING TEE ENEOUTICD OF AM AMB9REMINET BETRETN TUE DEFECTOR aF THE CENSLE END TEE CITY' OF' ALAMEDA FOR TEE TAKINM- OF SAID CENSESt ADD ANPROFEEXTBEN DC-NES FOrtiEE COSTWE WHENBikS, the City of 11 C, under the previsions of Secs. 194 and 203 of the Streets and. Eiimstamtys Codo, Sec. 11009 of the Revenue and Taxution Code, and Sec. 11 of Chaster 382, Statutes of 1939, page 1312, as amended, recmivos annually. from the Legartvont of Public Works and the Motor Vehicle DetEREUheft of the State of California certain moneys the amount of which is determiked on tte basis of popmistien of the City. as shown by the last Federal census; and WHEREAS, Chapter 581, Statutes of 19423, page 2194 provides t smy city wtose pephlatien has been substantially increased. since the last Federal census 111 apply to the United. Sthtes Unreau of the Census to determino the increase It posmietion. amd that the cost of sny investigation by said United States Bureau. of the Census shall be a proper °burgs against the city; end wiFTEIns, since the taking of the last Federni census the population of the City of Alameda has greatly increased and the determination and. certification of such increase im. populetioh. will result in a. substantial increase in the motleys receissa by the City under the provisions of low htreinbefore referred to and it is therefore in the public 11, thmt suc1 . increase in population pe officially. determined and certified by 3 trIvitg: of a Genets of the population of the City of Alameda; anh WEE:PEAS, pursuant to authorization of this 31 Council the City teenager of the City of Alameda heretofore requested the Esreku of the Census of the United. States tiaat a special census of the City- of Alameda be tak, n. by naid Bureau and. the secretary of Commerce of the United States hes directed the taking of said special censum under ths direction ana. supervision of the Bureau of the Census; and WEEP:EAR, a form of agreevent to be made anh. entered. inko betwesn the City' ot Alameda anh EC C. Capt, Director of the Bureau of the Census of the United states, containing tht terms, agreements and. conditions for the tating of said special census has been submitted. to this Council at its regular meeting telt. May 1, 1949, and which form of agreement has been marked filed. with the City CDark as of FMR7 11 1945, eke is hereby referred. to and incorporated herein. by reference; WEFEIMB, it is provided in said egreemsnt taut upon execution and de- livery thsreof ths City of Alameda shall deposit in ths Bank of America National TTust and. savings kusociation in the name of the Director of the Census or of Pis authorized. and designated representative the sum of $3,000.00 to asply es paygpsk on account of the nepessary exsonse of taking such special commits as tore fully. set forth in said contract; ROW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLEEN BY TEE CEJONITIt OF TP7 CITY OE' ALAMEDA as follows; 1, ETat ths form of agsetatht between the City of Alameda. and The rectsr of the Census referred. to in. the preamble taereof and the terms, asteements and provisions thereof be, and the sate are hereby, approved. 2. Tket the City Natager of the City. of Alarsda be, an(1 . he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute and deliver, for anh on behalf of the City of Aiamede, an agmeement substantisily in. the form. and containing the terms, agrah- ments and provEsiors set forth in. the aforesaid form of agreenuut 3. Met the sum of t7,800.00 be, and the same is herebl., appropriated. from the Ceneral Fund of the City (SOP Contingent Fund. Miscellanscps General) and. set aside for the purpose of defraying the cost and. expenditures to be incurred 53 . connection witk. the taking of said. special. ceneus and. for tbe making of the buyamoUs provided. to be gade in said agreement. 4. That upon delivery. to the City- of the aforesaid. agreement duly. exe- cuted, the Auditor and the Treasurer of the City of Alameda are and each of them is, hereby- authorized akt directed. to issue a warrant aeuinst the City treasury for the sum of $3,000.00 and to depssit said sum in Bank of America. National Trust and Savings Assoc:let-lop to the credit of The Director of the 'r 's of tte Census of the United. states or of his authorized and designated represctSatives as a de- posit on accaust of the expenditures 3 be incurred by the Director in tne taking of said Census and. as provided in. said agreement. I, the undersigned, liergay gertify that the foregoing Resolution was duly. and regularly introEueed and adopted by...the Council of thu City of Alameda in. regElar meeting assemblebion. thg ist day of May, 1S4d, by the Following vote, to 'wit: Councilmen licnes, Osborn, Sweeney' and FregidenM Branschmid, NOES: Ngne. ABSENT: Coumcilmgm Howe, (1). IR WITNESS INITE=T hagg hereunto set my hacnE. and. affilgd the offi- cial. seal of said City this End day. of ilayy 1S4d. J. FA CIARK City CTork of' tau CitY of Tameda * * * * * * * * * * * hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, trua and correct copy of ',Resolution NM. 312S, RESCIETION AUTHORIZING, THE TMEINS OF A SPECIAL CENSUS OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA BY THE KERFAU aT TEE cEnsus aF TEE TIFITn STATES; EHTEORTAING TEE EIXECITTJON OE Al AGRTERENT RETWEEN THE EIRILTOR GE THE, CENSUS AND THE CITY OF AUNTEA) FOR TEE TAKING OF sAID CENSUS; AND AIERROPRIATTFC FM TEE COSI THERESE-Rs introduced onE. adopted. by the Council on the ist day of tigyi 1.9415. , 4 dity qleiNAMC the City ef-AlemeTa