Resolution 03131RESOLUTION 1'TO • 3131 AT( OPTIXT0 PEOTTI 0 :ATI ORS FIR TURTIES TING PAC MIXTURES slap gsphtipTic ii]rm.,.;7110::,;s. To THE CITY TIE „ CALLING FOIL RITY) MID T7 PEE "'T MFF C T TY CT 71R 'PC RES CRNII 55TE CORFRYfli C)55 TRY CIRRI OE DA that the 3 se o if i c at ions and IToal clans for furnRcianng: I tem (a ) medium Caching Plant-mixed Surfacing Paving Mixtures ; laterl Mene trial:jun Type Aspha c Emu:Ls ions ; t the city. of Alameda , fo r the fi. seal year b e pgi ;to 1.y 1 19415 and e rid trig Tune 30, 1.94,1 fign hp: 5-45-3 , , and the scree are he,re by , approved and. :shop te d RIffIRTEPT IITURREITi, that ticw Copmpli. of the City. of Alameda wall receive sealed. bids up to the hour of 8:03 o 1 al ock LI , on 5Tesday, lns: 5th day of lune , ITPTS, fol. the furhishinap to the City' of : Item. (a ) Medium. Curing Plant-mixed Surfacing Paving Mixtures; Item. ( b) Penetration. Type Asphaltic Empleions ; c. c ordance th said. Spec i ch.ti aria and :Provisions , Bids ku.s t be pre sent ed to the City Clerk, in the City. calv, Alekeca, California, thigir sealed COVer anfl plainly marked. on. th outs]. de , "Pkopos al for Pawl. ag Mixtores and Asphaltic Emul- sions ,5 nno s imi tar deo: gna t 00035-ra RI) avmard•e0, be awarded, ubjec t to the prom isi alas of the Charter of sa y, to the responsible bi ad.er suicmits the lowest and 1: es t be viten t is reserved o re)) eat any or: a 11 bids . The C it y Cleric s h.ereby directed. t o atiyerti se , in. the Alameda 5jiries- Stan a hot i ce ctalling f or sea:led. bids in :accordance wi the pro visi teas of this resolution aka of sale SpecifioationP ana Provisions. 1 the und.e:rsi gch , hereby o er f y the. t tho foregoing Re s on was duly and regularly 1.ntacc c oho d and. adopted by the C can ci 1 of the 0 ty of Alameda rettuld.r me et '1 :Tv assembled tah e lath. ci.ay of ra y, 194.5, by tn. a foil oyd vo te, to wit,: T)re s ch ei d La) Couno ilken Howe Iones , Osborn, Sweeney and Pro di d ent Fri0RET: or:e IN SLIMINESS WT-1 IREfl T e hereunto set hand arid aff Lae d tile of fi a 1. seal of said c y thi,3 I (3 th. day of May , 15,4a4:1, _ CLARK y Iv) rin of the Tit tr 71777:77— , • _44-44, * * * * * * * * hereby certi fy tha t 'the foregoing i a. full , true a.n.d. correct copy di' • spia soliati on Ivo_ 5131 , ATTOPTING ITECI ACITONS FOE PURITystixtha oxxxi etanspiatts akfp ASTRIATIATO IT:PISTONS TO TR7 CITY OE AlfalahlA, CALLING FOR BILE SIAM LIRECTINT, 53:12 CI:SY CLERK TC: ADITIFRIISI: SAME " introduced anti a floated. by the CCRA.11Oft. on the 1 5.C•Id Latenkka • •• / - • /mark of the 0 it y of