Resolution 03134RESOLUTION NOn 3134 PTOPTING SREOIETRATIONS AEE PROTITSIC143 FOR REPSIR 4T PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE EiTTIMPIALK, CURB AND °ETTER FOI? RISC dij • -TE h P. ENEENG THEE 30. 194-6. V1114141DIS, bublin interest ant. ncdessity reopire the repair and/or construc- tion cT Portiama Cement Concrete sidEwolis., curd smt.. gutter it certain streets of the City. of Alamoda; and WEER:HAN, the City Ensioeer has prerarod. Specificationb and. 'Provisions for repair of Portland. Cement Concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter for tiut year endirs :nine 30, 1946, which Srecifimations and Prosjsions aro numbered PW 5-45-2 and. were filed. with the City. Clerk of sodd. City on. ;Mal/ 1), 194Ti. blEfir. THEREFORE, FR IT RESOLTED BY THE CCENDIL Om THE °TIE u ATIRCEDA that the aforesaid Specifications and Provisions, nuhtere1 . en1, . filed. as aforesaid, be, and the same ore hereby, approved. and. adopted- RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the performance emd comdietion of the yhris shocip fied in d Specifications and Provisions be, and. the same is hereby, authorized. RESOLVED, FURTHER. tnat tne Council of the City of Alameda. receive sonled dide up to the Pour of 4:06 iiicloPM, P. R., on Tuesday, lune 3, 1P4b, for the furnishing to the City- of ail labor, material.. amd. equipmenr necessary. for re- pairing and/or constructing Portland Cement Concrete sihewalk, curb and. cutter ih th e streets of the City of Alameda for the fiscal. yeani ending Tune 30, 1946, in accoodanbe witn said. Speciicatiorm and Provisions. Bids mhmt be deresented to the City Clerk, in. the City Nall, in Aihmeda, California, under sealed cover :and. plain14- marked. on tne outside "Proposal for SidewhiiiE” or similabr dosisnation- Contract, if awardad, yfill be awarded, shrject to the provisions of- tho Charter of said.. City, to tine responsible bidder 'AL Selmith .thisi lowest and. best bid. The right is reserved. to reject any. or all icidm. Said STPcificatdoris and Provisions may be had. by any. srosdectivp bidder on. aishTication. to the City Engineer, at his office in. the City Nall, Alameda, Cali. furnia "Lhe City Ciprn: is noraby directed to advertise, in the Alameda. "Imes-Star s. notice calling for seabed. nips dm ndcordanmo with thm provisions df Enid: remo]bs tics. omf. of said. Specifications amd Pmovisichs. T, the bride:fold:bled. nereby certify that the foregoing Resolution war duly and regularly introduped and adobted. by• thp Council. of 1 City- of AMamedo reguihar meeting assembled. on the 1.5-1111 dia.P Maya 194.3, by the chilowi.ng vote, to wit ArRif: CloprilnEn Jones , Osborn, idwpenpy and Presidpnt Branscheid, (5). : 7;011.e TN WildESS dAREPT07, T have hereupto set ny hand nnd affixed tMe camil of said. City this t day. of Mayo 1R46, Ca 7771-17-757.77,77s:.757i- I hogeby certify Unat the fordagoing is a fuCE trup and correct COhe of "Resolution No. 3134-, ATTFTING STECIFIDA"TRNB ORD PROVISIONS FOR REPAIR CP PORT-- inDyl" TEEPEE °DECREER SIDERAIRE CURE ASP GUTTER FrR 5u3cAL, YEAR EFEINC- MUNE 30, 1946, :introduced. and adopted oy thE Conmcil on the 16-th say off nay, ..!Sjils'). YeiiiiNcen tiTt7...chierio oTif ifTeTbof wiTTNeir.R.Twe