Resolution 0314116 REETCHITTIADE• Y(Ca Filial SAIEET7 FOR 7HE POSAITTU ab SH=MT,C1T CALSY MESTER OFE ,:7,r)uRsa DEPARWEITT, EF,CdETIED TEO ,,301.1MCATT.„ OF OTTE CiffY• OF SelaICEASS, that the salary for the nositdcr. of Aenistent Caddy raster In the Cwif Course Department be, and it is hereby, fixed. as fellows: Uneas AO hour :Tar OCrok ressijyalsr_ The provisdrhs of Resolution No. 'dad are nereby made applies:aid) to tne age's's:Lod of iessi stant Ceady Waster. I, the undersigned, nereby certify that the fordasoing Resolution was del y and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regutar aseetin assemhrea OD taa, 1,5-Ln ae.,v or May, laied, by the following vote, to wit ;. • C i itaesa owe , J'ene s be ra Sweeney and Pres idea:es etre e .5) CeST,S: wyluEfee YIECHLYSE. have Twrenato see sne bane anu affi.xua tne asid a stew. seal_ air sai.d.. Sbi.ty taiys lwatae Say of e"Pay, C„ cc, OL TilSETY- ed7 -TOT * * * * * * * * ry, mri,amamia y hereby t lefty th.e. t itrittete201.11tt is a fain, 'Lorne end correct, eanoy of wd,aso_setion Sab.../TRAS 'FOP ob•TE POSITION OF' ,A,ssisTA.FIT cfmrre. 'MASTER IN THE CC,IF COURSO, T.SECHITRHICTET," int.rod.aced and. ;•..;..d..systee. by the Council on 'rtes. 15th day of Ina7i., ad7„e , -Orrs, (Aierk of tA-We 77.1777 77,1,77.6767.—