Resolution 03189RESOLUTION NO. 3189
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda ddd, on. the 17th day of July,
1945, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 3183, declaring its intention to order
the vacation, closing and abandonment of those certain. portions of Calhoun Street
in the City of Alameda, County '10 Alameda, State of California, more particularly
described in said Resolution 1. of Intention as 0. 0)11
PARCEL 2. COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the
Easterly line of Versailles Avenue as said Avenue is deline-
ated and so designated on that certain Map entitled "Plat of
Lewelling Division, Alameda," and filed October 18, 1.887, in
the Office of the Recorder of Alameda County, State of Cali-
fornia, in Map Book 19 at Page 3,, and the Northerly line of
Calhoun. Street, as deeded by Wm. Stuart, et al to the City
of Alameda, by instrument filed October 25, 1887, for record
in the Office of the Recorder of' Alameda County, State of
California, in Liber 342 of Deeds at Page 2, and running
thence Southeasterly along said line of Calbmun Street 1E.38
feet, more or less to the point of intersection with tbe
Northerly line of Calhoun Street (50 feet in width) am said
street now exists; said. point of intersection is 11" true
point of beginning for the Parcel herein descri bed thence
continuing Southeasterly along said Northerly line of Calhoun
Street as deeded to the City of '10. .2d, by aTorementioned
dmed (WM. Stuart, et al, to the City of Alameda) 50.56 feet,
more or less, tm the Easterly line 01 a Parcel 01 01210 to
Charles Leonard Bausch, recorded. October 20, 1933, in the
Cffime of the aforementioned Recorder in Volume 2988 at Page
241 thence southwesterly' along staid Parcel line 3.65 feet,
mere or less, to a point in the Northerly line of Calhoun
street (as said street now exists); thence Northwesterly
along said 1 50.59 feet, more or less, to the point 1.
RA2001, 3. COMMENCING at the point of interseption of the
Easterly line of Versaillms Avenue, as said Avenue is de-
lineated ,12 so designated on that certain. Map anLiinted.
lat of hmwelling Division, Alameda," and filed. October
18, 1887, in. t Office of the Recorder of Alameda Cmarity,
State of California, in Rep Pooh 19, at Page 17, and. the
Northerl(1 . line of 12.. Street as deeded. by thtm Stuart,
et algto the City of Alameda by. instrument filed October
25, 1887, for record. in the Office of the Recorder of Ala-
eda County, Stete of California, in ldber 342 of feeds at
Page 2, and. running thence Southeasterly along said dine of
Caihmun street 60,94 feet to the point of intersection with
the westerly line of a paToel owned by ditmnjamin and Edna. S.
Crowe, deed. recorded February 25, 1935, in thm Office of
aToresaid County Recorder in Volumm 3155 at Page 181, and,
said point being the true point of beghnning of the parcel
hereinafter described; thence continuing Seutheasterly along
said line of Calhoun Street 80.94 feet to the easterly line
of alorestaid Parcel; thence Seuthwesterly along said. Easterly
line 8,05 feet, more or less, to a point in the Northerly
lihm of Calhmue Street (50 feet in yddth) as said Street now
exists; thence Northwesterly along said line of Calhoun Street
60,78 femt, more or less, to the point of Intersection. Alth.
the Westerly line of aforesaid Parcel extended. Southwesterly;
thmnce Northmastly along said extmhoden 8.685 feet, mere or
less, to the point of beginning;
PARCEL 5. BEGINNING at a point in. the Northerly line of
021 11.2 Street 150 feet Northwesterly from the westerly line
of Mound Street, az said. streets are delineated. and so desig-
nated. on that certain. Map entitled "Map of the Town of Alamede
and. Adjacent Lands," filed Septembmr 12, 1867, in the Office
of the Recorder of Alameda. County, State of California, in Mmp
Book 5, at Page 16; and running thence North 48* 42/ West along
said line of Calhoun Street 57,08 feet; thence South 41* 161
west 18,77 feet to a point in. the Northerly lino of Calhoun.
Street (50 feat in width) as said Street how exists; thence
along said line of Calhoun Street: South 52.8 33t B4st 59,21 feet;
thence North 41* 18t East 14,99 feet to the point of beginning;
31 ARCEL 6. FoimTNG at a pmint in the Northerly line of Calhoun
Street 100 feet Northwesterly from the Westerly line of
mound Street, as said Streets are delineated and so desig-
nated on that certain Map entitled "Yap of the TOWE of
Alameda and Adjacent Lands" ard filed September 12, 1867,
in the Office of the Recorder of Alameda County, 'State of
California, in Mat ?sob 5, at Page le, and running thence
along said lire of Calhoun Street Etrtn 43* 42/ West 50
feet; thence South 41* 15 West L4,99 feet to a point in
the Eortherly line of Calhoun Street (50 feet in widtn) as
said street now exists; thence South 52* 53 Mast along
said line of Calhoun Strett 50.13 feet; thence North 41*
la, East 11.63 feet to the point of beginning;
PARCEL 74 SEGINNING at the point of intersection of tne
westerly line of nound Street and the Northerly line of
Calhoun Street, as said streets are delineated and so desig-
nated on that pertsin Mat entitled "leap of the Town of Ala-
meda and Adjacent banes" and filed September 12, 1,55i, in
the office of the Recorder of Alameda County, State of Cali
fornia, in nab book 5 at Page 15, and running thence North
48T 42/ West along said line of 043' 10' Street 100 feet;
thence South 48. 13 W8 St 11363 feet to a point in the Nor-
therly line of Calhoun Street (50 feet in vMdth) ss said
Street new exists; thence along said line of Calhoun Street
South 52* 33/ Nast 100.22 feet; thence North 41* 381 East
4.SC feet to the point 10 beginning; and
WHEREAS, the 1103 fl of said street to be vacated and. abandoned. and the
details of said vacation are more particularly shadn upo4 . a map bearing the legend:
"Plat of North line of Calhoun St. from 00 43 St. to Versailles Avm.," which map
was hy. said. Resolution. of Intention approved. for the 11 C'<0 of this proceeding
and was ordered filed in. the offite of 0130 City Clerk of the City of Alameda and.
marktd "Wiled July 17, 194.5,5 and which. map was in said. resolution referred to for
further rtic the proposed. vacation; and
WHEREAS, the City Clerk of tht City of Alamtda caused. said. Resolution of
Intention to be published, in the. manner prescribed by ftw for tatta publishing of
ordinances of the city. of Alamtda in. the 1<1 <4 Tints-Star, a daily newspaper
of general circulation published. and circulated i0 . said city and, the offipial news-
paptr thereof; and
WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Altmeda caused to be posted con-
spicuously along the lint of said «101 and parts thereof proposed. to be vacated,
notites or such vacation, in. the form and manner required. by the Street Vacation
Act of 1941 of the State of California, as antnded Chapter 250, Statutes of
P411; and
STIPEAS, proof of said publication is evidenced. by an affidavit of pub-
l3 cation. how on file in the office of tht City Clark of said cityb and
WHEREAS, proof of said btsting of such 4310 is evidenced by. the aE-
fidayit of the person posting sai0 . notices, which affidavit sets forth the facts
regarding odch ptsting and is. now on file ix; the office of the City Citrk of said.
City; and
bEENEM,S, in and by said Retolution of Intention the Council of the City
of Alameda fixed the 8th day. cf August, 1945, at 800 o'clock, Ft M. of salt. day,
in the Council.. Chambers in. the City Hail, at the northwest corner of Santa Clara
Avenue and Oak street, Alameda, California, am the time and place for hearing by
the Council of said City of all persons interested. in or objecting to the pro-
posed. vacation, end
WHEREAS, the matter of said proposed vacation came on regularly for
hearing before the Council of tht City of Alameda, at this its regular meeting,
on tint ith. day of August, 1.945, and at the time ant. place '3 0. in said Resolu-
tion of Intention, and at such hearing the said Council.. heard. the evidence offered.
by all persons interesttd in said street vacation, and a full hearing thereon
having been had. and the natter submitted for deterninationb
that said. Council. hereby finds and determines, from all. the evidence submitted,
O hat the street. and. parts thereof ih said Resolutibn. of Intention. and nereintefore
more particularly described, it and are unnecessary for present and prospective
public street
portionh prs and at pubc interest reques h '3<1 1' d
of said street.
FP IT FURTHER RESOIEMM that the portXors of Call:cum Street in said.
Resolution of intention. 43 nd. hereinbefore more partioultrly described be, and
the same are hereby, vacated ant abandoned.
I, the andersidned, hereby. certify .that the foregoing Resod:at:lop was
duly and regularly. introduced. and. adopted by the Council of
L. City of Alakeda
reviler meeting essemPied on tne 1th day of August, 1949, by the following
vete, to (aid:
APTS. Councilmen. Haise, Jones, Sweeney an resident
Branscheid, (4).
01:Z : N one.
ABST7NCR Councilman OsbcdmR. (1).
IN WITNEZ3 VidaREOF, I have hereunto set my nand and affixed the offi-
cial seal of said City this Pth. day of August, 1945.
(SEAL) City Clerk. of the City of Alamede
* * * * ¥ ¥ * * *
I hereb y. certdfy that theforegoing is a full, true a5P correct copy of
OITN OF' ALANIIIA, introduced and adopted. by the Council. on. the 7th day of Aux(pet,
CityfOld k of the City of Alameda