Resolution 0319278 RESOLUTION NO: 5192 APPROVING :EIRE SUPPLEMENIAL MEMORANDUM OE AC2REFIENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF 1/4 CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED FOR STREETS OF 'MENTOR IP(TPORTANCE. WHEREAS , the State of Cali f orni a , through its Ne no rtm en t of Publ Works, Eivision of Higirsys, hos presented a Third Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement, in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City for expenditure of the 1/4 cent gas tar for the fiscal year ending Jure 50, 194-6, allocated for s fre eta of major importance other than State nightha ya. in the -City of Alameda ; and WHIEREitS, the City council has hoard read said agreerlent in full and is familiar with the contents thereof ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDX. that shit: project statement 60,, and it is hpreby, adopted as the tmdget of proposed expenditures 1 the 1/4 cent g,ps tax allocated for streets of major importance other than State highways, and said Third Supplemented Meinorandum of Agremalent be, and 1 same is hereby, approved, and the City Manager and. the City Clerk are directed to sign the same an behalf of said City, said agreement to be binding ;iron the City upon its execution by the authorized officials of (she State. * A * * * * * * * * * I, the ,Jmiorsi plied, hereby certify that the; foregoing, Resolution was duly and regularly 1'' 111 armi adopted by the Council of the City of 4.1amei1 . in regular meeting assembled on the 7th day of August 194,51 by the foil owing vote, to wit; ADES; 00u.ncilmen NOWT: „Tones Sweeney and Pre si dent Bran echo 1/ NOES( None. amn( c ou nt' ilmnn Chnmoarm ;1). IN WINNE:SS NUEREPT. I bppe hereunto set my Mann. and affixpd tre Of 531- seal of said City' this 8th day of August, 1945. J P CI.A.FK j' 55 City Clerk of the City of 5.1' 5.o * * * * * * * * * * I hereby certify' that the foregoing is a full, true amn. correct copy of "Resolution No. 3192, APPROVE:NE- THIRD SUP1 I2ENITTTAL MEMORANDUM 07 AGREEMENT ECil. EXPFHITHETFF OF 1/4- CENT GAS TAX AIICUATED FOE 0' 15 05' MSJOR IMPORTANCE," 15 troduced. and ad.optpd. by the Council on the 7th day' of August, 1945. 52-f .587.3spE „TEN City; C.herly of the City of Alameda 'NEP