Resolution 03211TESOLOILICIM V0. 52.LJ
THE CITY' 0.1' An, Tnnin
WEEPITAS, the City- of Alamedh and the RORVarl CathOlie ArClibiShOp of Sam .
fbrancisco hoterand into a lease dated. Awthst 6, 1043, COVeriDF, bertsio. real
proles hp/ si Pao did IE. the 2,114 oi nap:fleas c Loath, ot arnadatia , 2, bade o th, , ra ens e.
and particularly. described as follows, to thlt:
hEdiNINING at the boinh of intersect...ion of the SoutIspieni,soPp
line of Buren Street. with. the Schtnessterly line of Fountain
Streeta; hohninnk thence along said thoe of Van Pores Strwet 425
feet to a point; thence at -pl.:pint isndlets. Southwesterly- 30 feet to
a. paint; tbeace at 1.,"4,r,lit haEies Northwesterly feet to a. point
on. sadO. Shuhheasterly- litho of Fourtola Street; thence North-
easterly- alonrm said iinc of Soknthis Street dO feet to the point
of dazinninmp
HEINS a portion (P." not 4T in. 'Kock 00, as said ltd., and. block
are delineated on that certain map entitled "Map of tbo Tooh of
Alamehs end Adjacent Lwnds," or file ir the office of tho Counhy
Recorder of Alameda County,
fer kbe tehn of sir: lb] rondha, enashin aunhary 26, 1)4,, et a. sc-mdbily rental of
Five Celfial afah,00) dieh hoptip and ay.itb. the Porthoni undelnartanefing that said.
Loose should be automatically' renewed from month to month. at the samw rental
and unich tide terms Pod. conditions thscolo set ..rOrtl“ and.
AdytheiLA theorei is no itirteete necessi -ty or recent, Coe tee c itt
Aiemode th hadesi said lease as of Cotohor 21, 1043„ and
00LPIPAS, said ',ease provided in panadrhadd ] theesof that thc sore sboll
not hotennithhelly be ranewsd it- the Leases shark sive L',"; Lae Lessor oridten no-
tice of its intention not th nehew ot Least PeIrty (3O) days prior to tse cad of
dhe oolminai tare, di- shid ihobe cr any r,ineoai Paha- thereof; bad
PEIPLAC, said lease Ltewidho in harerhateir, 6 Libehho2 teat hni thildidass,
structores thh caccOnai nrocc,riy conoocuotcd or -pieced or scid shadises by Lassos
shyll Lc and darschei dronerto or cell neesso nnd Los:sob shall Lade tbe
ri„hnt do remove ids sdhs, boom 911:y ":,..-:-1'!",j1j'AlOYI loose;
D TF.E 0 0 C; cmpy on- yoLospitte,,
Tfat icase shouLd -on b2 hoarded, dscordias to its prowls-161,h,
as od osioner Yl, iTib, and dot said: rash me:Lein:above neutiou,sr2„c des:a:sired
so,li he oodhehdehed cad poesorsien sac-herr be Ceitbani cd ts tic btid 'he:soh
as cf ccdober 00, 104i.
Tr; eiey naradacP of oho bity oh alareda is
herons authohipod CJ2C0t,":0 to exectne„ and dhe (2-3t.y attopt, as dne
wod nno deed tne City ok olakeda, is notice of indention hot to harlots soad
8LIC, FiVe ssid notice to the lessor named therein, as erovided in Ears -
yrapa I of otiC teaso„
I, .tlic Totamcsiationi, hereby certify. that the fothsraing Resolution was
duty and IsAndLladcler inhroduced. and adopted by the Chuheil. of tnw City of Alameda
in rhoodOth mottinE assonahled. en the 4th. day of Sestdmbar, 1243, by tics following
vote, to wit:
EYES: Cotncilmen Sawe, Tones, Sweeney- and President 1shnscb.01A, (4T-
.A.'3";...iENT: Councilman Osborn., imi).
IN 2,2va 2 hetve hereunto oet rey iTE.1 d ace an fixed tee offi-
ciai sec' of held. C thih 5th Clay of September,
T qL2P22K
Clerk of the City 57 m"
T, the eirdersicoled, hereby certify that the fcrecectIng is a. fu la, true
ah.e rerreet hopf n:ne2olutic)n. 70. "ddli, AUTIFIT2IIING I. If' NOTICE 02 INTEdie
TICIN TdChr RZNeItS Ldhhra EhheChaia ebef,C, iierdeN CIV APCErISHOF OF" SANT kdbi
Terh„ c212-ani Of' .Meed.CEDI.," ihtreedrad. Leh adopted. by. the Opuheil. oh th,e zth hay- of
,,,,21b(2...;77, 1945.
/ ced
0 itytihnevei. of tThe Cit/ of halo eta