Resolution 03276RESOLUTION' 110. 3276 (3 CITY TUR)AGER TO RATKO APPLICATION r))0 STA)1T DIRECTOR Of' FINANCE ON =ALT 07 'ARE CITY OF AEA:LEDA TON STATE ISSIS TA)33313 IN DEFILIIIIICT C OS T OF AC SITIO OF RI GHIA OF AWAY FIE) NUM). 'TES IA AVENUE RTA-TAII =NA AT ITTER).7)2I ).413 .))312E)T =EAT, the state of Califurnia under Chaptei) 47, Statutes of 194,4 (4th Extra Session) has annroprintra funds for allotment 101 provide financial aEsistance to Local Agenefes deflned therein as aohnties, cities of cities and counties fo.):: the purpose of defraying not to exceed. ch.e-hnif the cost of acquir- ing rights-of-way or sites far pticlic works projects. determined to be desiratie postwar public works programs of such nrcal Agencies; and ETAUnliS, the City of Alameda desires tr submit its recurst for State aid in the acquisition of a right-o-way or site andor said Act; and TRETEAS, a requort to the Postwar Public Works ritothnw Round. for such aid has been. rzepared and. narsented to this Legislative Body for coasideTation; and WHEREAS, said 01 har made provisions for TR*Ira): one-Ralf or MOTO of the cost of such acquisition; NOW EliTacacao, BE IT RiSOLVED, taat the City of Alameda submit, the aforesaid request for acquisition aid to the Postwar Public Works Review Board fcz the State's share of the cost ot such acquisition; and. PE IT FORTIER nssOLITED, that ssid City hereby certifies that the total. estlmated cost to be paid for the acquisiti10 n. of the rignt-ofwway or site for which it is requestfng aid anarr sold. Act is !))6000.; and PE TT EURTEER RESOLVED, that said City horoby requests the State to pay the Stateus share of the total. cost to be paid. for the acqpisition for which said. City is requesting aid; and. pa IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for thB purpose of tbls request Don C. uryillan, City .Unnagor of the City of Alameda, be, and bb hereby is, designated as the authorized agent of said City and is hereby authorized.. and LRreoted to sign the herein mehtiomed request on behalf of said City and to submit the same to the Postwar Pubilo Works Review Board together with a certified statement of the total. cost to be haid for tho acquisition of the hdrein mentioned. right- of-way or site and su1 h. othe:d infearntion as may be required; and. said wither- ized agont is further Authorized iind diracted as the reprerentatiro of said City to conduct all negotiations and conelutie all arrangements, including sub- minsiou to the Direr,tor of' Finance of applications for payment, anichrmay be noressaTy to sechare payment of the Statels share of the cost of thn acquisition of thn sfrrementionea. rtaet-of-way or site. 7, the undersisned, hereby certify that the foregoing Tesolotion was duly and renniarly intronnned ann adopter by the Council of the City of Alan:ad:a ill regular Si assembled on the 5th dry of Tebrnary, 1))4P, by tire following vote, to witm EETESh Councilmen Prwr , Scneas, Osborn, Sweenny and Presi ent Rranscheia, (5) . ABSENT: Uonoa Ir OaTEREOF, I have hereumtia set my hand and affixed. the offi- cial seal oil said City this 6th day of )aobanary, 1946- U. P. CLARE ity Clerk of the City of