Resolution 03278RESOLUiaCH 3278
, 6144IILD3Ifiadbdtl 72017 id82114I7ddfibll- 20 3.2432
CE7.772787 llafIa4b7 "aPE 7T77HEE'T Ia-77:73a7c 84li8.70.421b7 ni:n7
877177 0..77 OinLIi74G HIECS anif, DW41E77:30-7417,
8:Ulna gilERK TO d8.48W3F.SE 44fl7
a 13017:7!) „Tx: Vb77 8047 d8 CT ?Cc; CITY: CI' 21,C:ca.A. tan t the fi as tion
for farnislIna, 20 fool. ltahl oanter schdant type st.reet lianbina standards a o tho
City ef ilaoods ha. VS, 2-48-1, fL Led 7n too offlue Lf 7he City Clara on robe:n-
avy 22, 1346, he, and tho sass ore :8,e.'20by-, sprinteed twed pasn4e8.
3n:4g:72773 737477fn elent th7 Ossocil of the Si by or hinLada n111 sece 6
sealed Lida ao tr bno Loar 0Tc:7:rock ?. 1i on Wucadny the 3ta day of navel:,
1946, for tro fnadritenina po the City af 20 fest 1 :tali; :debtor :8desSent, tyro. sLaebt
stoadhraw, la apeordnnos w7tn said bivacificadttss., ve4is eust be bee-
costes to tlo 77ty Clerk, in tne 7e8 2, Alevneds, Celifdrnla up4ar sbela8
GO V nne. 2-3 23 70 on thc et:taint-, 7Proposal for 20 foot h dhoshor -fond-
ant wype Ste83et Li entnta tanawd:s.7
Contweet, tf awarded, will btl awarded, subject to tre brovislohs of
the sail:ten of said lity, to tha; respossible bidder who subnl'es tae lowest and
hes b Les riett is rosowsse to nw_!ecY ann or all 1-nis.
Coe ty 81erh 7a, noreby delreoted to advertise, lh the nib:boils `2tasp-
Star, r hohtdo fcr 4eolad S7de in ososneshso with tho proviatoos of anis
ressisSlon arp of seta lbses.Cddl.f.wea8ora.
tre undaradassed, rareby certify. that tte fonegoina Rosolution. wels
dony rezhntarly intrceinds8 Lad adasted by the fb)unb8 1 riC tfr(-, City' of afiaslea:d
in. na.aular :abating ass:.e.terled on. the 134b. day of Thetwoluptv 174d, by the follswirw:
vote, tr wit:
7a hallnan Coro, soca, lotaps 4,
enbi74.42: Lod:nail:tan ji).
th Wfilainf , I 18.=n22 heanvehodo not oy bn nd 4a e ,rrrix8,,,r„ the
sfiabl. 2 eel of sw8.8. trd a 26th. day. ef Fad:a:we:by, 1)44.
Cd by Cllevl: an the City. of Alb:seas.
, 1 :
in' C7iyera of tna Dot7