Resolution 03299218 RESOIZTION NO, 3299 ACCPTNG. CONVEYAILM FROM PACIFIC COAST ENGINEERING CCMPASER et al, OF EASEMENT IN- CERTAIN- NEAP PROPERTY g_ ANT) CONiDENTING TO THEE RECOEDATION THEREOF. WHEREAS, a certain indenture dated Enreh nth, 1946, dude by and between. Pacific Coast 8' 801 Company, a corporaticr, as Trustee, and. Bank of America Eational TTust Sapinsm Association, a national barking association, am Parties of tile First Fart, and City- of Paameda, a. rb1 c1 na3. corporation, Party of the Second part, was, on or about said. date, executed and delivered by said Partles of ttm First Part to the City of Alameda; and. WHFSEMAS, by said indenture, the grantors (10 10 named grarXpd to the City of Alprmhn a. permanent easement and right of may in, to, over and under that certain real property situated in the City. of Alameda, County of Alameda, Statp of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: coNlaTriNG at the intersection. of' the Hortberly line of Clement Avenre and the Westerly line of Cak Street as said Street and Avenue now exist, and running thence N 28* 327 E along said line of Oak Street 31,. feet to thn true 'point of beginning of thp parcel herein describedm thence 12 01F 21t W (careSihnl to the Nartharly lime of Clemnnt Avnnue) 420.093 feet to the dividing line of lands owned by Pacific Coast Emgineening Company, a corporation, and J. hk Enxter anh Commany, a corporation; thence TS 28* 37t 8 along said (1 ivid- ing 1Bne 10 feet; thence 9 61* 224 E (haraRlel to tte therly line of Clement Avenme) 490.092 feet to the SS, 11 line of Oak Street; thenre 1, 28* 39T W along said line of Oak Street 1.0 feet to the point of beginning. BEIM a portion of Block 42 as said 'Block is shown on tent certain map entitled. "Sae of Lands adjacent to ten Town of EncInal, Alereedn County, Celifernia4 Yny 20, 1867, in Book. 19 of bnns at page 53 tee Office of ten County Rncorder of Alameda County, State of California; 77ERNAC, ten City of Alawndu. did, on. or etnut said. ante, accent said conveyance, and acquired possession of the said eaxerant in the real paoperty above described; TOW, diTREPORI, EN IT RESSATED DY FIE; COUNCIL OF TEE GLYN OF ASADEDA that 'she alMernentioned indenture be, and the same is 'xnneby, accepted. on bedardf of tee. City of Alasda and. said Oity CandkuLl, acting for anb in behalf of said. City, hereby- densents 10 10 recordation of said. indentare and. orders this Nesn- iction to be 1' 1. tngreto, ss required by Section 1158 of the Civil Coda of the Steta af California. I, the undersigand, hereby certify that the franegoinic Easolution yas duly. and regniamly- introduce1 .. and adented by ten Council of the City of Alemrde in regular meeting assadbled on tnn. iBth. day of Agril, 194n, by the following rote, to wit: ABMS; Counninaen Enwa, Iones, Osenrn, Sweenny and President Bransceid, DBES: ABSENT: Bona. Tq qimMESS 111NRNMC, T rage hereunto set my nand enM affixed the offi- cial seal of said City' this 12th day of April, 194g,- (s8851,) M„ P. -------- . - City Clerk oi une City 1 introduced and adapted. by' ten Council on tne leth. dny of Snell, 1946. et al, OF E.A.s7rENT IN SERTAIN REAL PROTERTY ATM MET:INTIM-4 TO TUN RECORDATION eResolution bkG 5899, ACCERTINC. C CONVEY:SC[5E NNOW PACIFIG COAST MYSTFRERING COBBasse, hereby certify that tba faregoing 10 a full, true ond correct copy of ;NS-nag/ as _ .. .. . . J . .. 8:51- n=888,8 8.8-n • ' 88-8'88,- -88,04.8 _ (nth, SErrk of the GiSay GI ',..,....,, '