Resolution 03302„P,Siltlt,t re. rydetl Cc: :Cric: CY :SPEC Stated, tate Staree Calitherria, tterced.g.la trejeartratert of lbata:,..o. Works, Vdd 'cent Cat, t9ao tot: 1:I:=I7= III=C=a1r IIIADA-3 30, 124-6 1. ohs r retreats Leajer inenortance ether than. :.ctata retenways rho Ci.ty cif Alameda; and. '511-jarteradj, rat City doe:tell herd reeked Tarte sart.9. aarreentart, furl ==o=led 'add COUWCII, Cb".dride TY siC A i:S.STKRI”, said. :it'ssi est s ::: be t aereby, adopted as bre brartet red sisiscseil err- beaddturos or the 1/4. csnt {sad tGa allocated: for streets of major ibportance ether hatte etarte thisenerays, bra said. tattare eartalleetental atemoranense et' deereeiseat arta the. same is aercers, approved, rend the. City itaaemeer sad tbe City Clerk bra si rooted, elyt, the scare oh. beharr tre said Clity, said abareareatat to be bintliset upon the City mart. fabsertion by 'thee autheerreet sereteleana the: etbate.. the undersnaned, t.!.careaby acerbity trot the foradoinc parbalut: r a duft,r sica ':".egtil,:iiscq: farts:co C.C.0 s bra ado:et:se by the Council of tar Cite, of Alameda rayr:mlr ,IPs,7==mblOol or t,-,e eta eav ar Yay, 194b, tiss fortheArn vdte, to -sit; itt adempse3 511.11,-reede I have teat:bunt° sot my hared seta saffixed. the sea] of raird Catty thiS 817,11 Ii.a7„, Of 1=Iay, C. CLARK City- Clerk of the City of , erode h ,:retry earli ey rase rea Ocrectrorry a fetal, odd. OIII12!;-,CI, 'Pt acb on bay 02 , il`edelat Pie et ',1. !We Seleiabletadder. labehteht; (JP 'asp; ererayeartej tra :f (7, :11°.°D 1,L,J Cit :one. as ALe Cornell ed tr.e Odes e,' PComear er able 5, /-; LJ oC 01-6,. DI ,I,j117(:17,,