Resolution 03367RESOLUTION NO. 3367 FIXING THE MONTHLY SALARY OF THE POSITION OF "RECREATION AID" IN THE RECREATION DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA RNSOIHICEOH NO— 5567 FIZINE. MONTEIN: aALARY TnE FOSIRTON OR TRECNNAna0N AID" IT': " d RITRITircif DEPARTMENT a7,7F..gr77Z_f_A:1.2...T.T2,31).A... RFSOLIJED HY THE COIMNIL OF THE CITY OF ALA-ENDA. that tho mohthly sadony of tha position. of "Rocreation Inidr in the Recreation Dosartment of the City of Albnedn be, and. la herebyg fixed. at the sum c b150. the undersibflad, hereby certify that thb foregoing Resslxtion .mas doly and. regularly hhtroduced and. abettad. by. the Couhoil... of the City of Alameda. in regular meetinr, assembled. on. the hth dny of Aumuot, 1D4A, by the fdllowinc voto, to mit: ) 1ourofimbh lases, Osborn, Eboahot fro Vico drosInort noPc, Dore. AOSEHTX Presidoht Brahaoheid, (1). WIHNE38 WHERITIT, have hereustcheet nee hand. and. affix.e6. tho aNkit clad.. seal. trf said City this "tt day of August, 154h„ --------- y Clerk. of the City of Allamoda * I forehy,cortify that the foregoing is a full, tvuo and scahrdt copy of "desolutlon bo. 5507, FIXDOR 1FR HION5Pot SALARY OE TEN ESOMMatlif "RECREATION .AID" F",THI" P2DREATIClf DFHTFPNFHT CH TYE CITY as AnYVEDA," introduced and. unotted. on. the nth. (1.1. of August,