Resolution 03372RESOLUTION NO. 3372 SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AN ORDIANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TO ACCEPT THE SURRENDER OF AND TO CANCEL A LEASE OF CERTAIN WIDE AND SUBMERGED LANDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, AS LESSOR, AND ALASKA PACKERS ASSOCIATION, AS LESSE; AND CALLING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1946, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING THE AFORESAID ORDINANCE TO THE VOTERS OF SAID CITY; AND CONSOLIDATING SAID ELECTION WITH THE STATE" hil; RCWZER tailSCINED that the City Clerk of said City is hereby authorizes. ond. dingettbd. to cause saltd propocet. erldnante to he printed a:ants. copy thereof nolfmk3, enclosec. i.ah envelope wits tbe samaie ballot, to esti. veter at ?enact ton (k0) days prior to cald sanction, .3137 IT ;FU:2132372R. 77.1SOIRTED t t ec ocu.nd.cipal. el (3. t 011 e :no fr, called. be, and. tha came is hbrecy, osnnoliCaned with the biennial.. Sbate election. to be held OR Tuesday, Nschanber 5, 1'146, in the County of Alameda; that. the elec- t:1th Dredinets, olaces, voting hooths, aud. cReation officers who shall. noneuet• said. specieJ. manicipal. eicatieb are nereny designated to be the SFLMP as 'oho sanction precincts, pollang places, voting; booths, and sabctich officers ea shall be Casighnsee, entabidaned and appointed by" resolution 02 ordinoce of the Bccrd. of f.t.servizors of the Cohnby cf Alamos:a. for 'ft:0 puree:de of haltaLats and coneucting said. biennial Stage election WithiT. the territbry affected. by this order of censolleationg and that said election.. shala be held ih all retgectm as if there erc ohms- one election, ane only cue 102rd Of ballot shall be heed tnoreat. StIt IT MURTS3cla enabidaha that tee Boabe on rmbervitors of said. Csrmty of Alaanda is hereby authorized and onpovered to canvass tho return:a of said. scocial. municipal. election and certify the results thereof. BE IT FURfidCs1 AittleiSCSD that fhe 'heard of Super-sisters of She County of' gladheda be, ebc it is hereby, requested. to rake ito order and to take such. nther and Carather prof:setting:7d co Lome be heansoacht to efaccet the abnnalibstion. of saib. shectal. robnichloal. el!sk3tion tinth calt1 general State eieenciaon; in. cocckehrace c=1..th. the laws of tha 3tate of California regulating and tresibibsk for ths consolidag tion of' electnisho. CM T7' 7tin7.7f dISOLVYC that the County :lorh of the doubt, of alemboa ba, eke ne iE renbey, authorized anC ray-footed to :atit to each di the paaldfied gad regiossece nleec,urs cc the City cf glactas a eaho nC tne reccosee ordlchnoe. ::: 5:22:1::I115211:12. IT551:11(521211255211 1cL2GT: a certified. hasty of this: 071u :LI 2) n T1223.512v55:25G5E2:1 15G, the Stchnity caterk the County toe' t'lltantedet. Su the undersined, hereby certify that the foreacitg R000lution oan duty and reguaakig introduced.. and. atioyteb Oy the cou)r,),),..la of the City of giameon. in reguler meeting erne:oh/en on.. tbe 20th day. of gukent, l54S, by tho no7ilbm:fitez (4) takincimerl afecc, Seakkk:, fehtthmta and ilhasdeent franacbcd, NIES: Mons. c;enchT: Counnightan Dmate, hillNabStS thERCOF, T tams horeunto set my- hand ant affhoeti the offi- cial seal of said.. City this 21st day on gitbactt,t ,Sgt_ efithyg tr. Clerk of the. Ciky b honed/ certify that the foregoihy is a full, uric ode cobdect aogy ef .h_3(scsintrtn. kb. 35'72, 333,23.",17177:73232 3,30 3333.2:1SPO ))).1)),),! :2222515: I 5:12'; .125215-2:111:2LTIC '21-115I 110 2215IIIIT 2Gcc-55 G2,512:5, 2272;5,22n2,31. ye. C2IGIGT: 72,22", ETT0T-T:G, ;TT- Tn. ": ptt.= n 3375-,(3=n3-(7a7 nGT 5222,12125, <332333 ;SST'S „Sec ;:n12:25' ,5.1) , :2'052 1.2212::: I21:211I05551:1 :1:52 2:112 22.2: 2152112121- 2,25:512, 21 "0 ICCSL22,1) 01255115'22155211: 1nC V01221:123 T1:525 T.1 2225 ; "11 CC:1:C, 551.1 2, II:2C :1: :1-5 D 2 2' "I 1'515 CI. GI: C `21-5725, `..1".Z2 :1215.122:122521117, III 151C '525,: CPI 55'C' " :LC 2127552,21:222, TT: .194 6 " iT5,5,21G0c212.2 :Gad aducts3d Ity tie Council. on its To day