TUESDAY- -MAY 21. 2013- -7:00 P.M.
Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:17 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam
and Mayor Gilmore — 5.
Absent: None.
(13 -239) Proclamation Declaring May as Older Americans Month; and
(13 -239 A) Presentation of the Mastick Senior Center Annual Report.
Mayor Gilmore read and presented the proclamation to Joy Pratt, Mastick Senior Center
Advisory Board President and Mariam Schiffman, Alameda County Commission on Aging.
Ms. Pratt and the Mastick Senior Center Director gave a Power Point presentation.
(13 -240) Elizabeth Wright, Alameda, suggested that a Police substation and medical clinic
be opened on Webster Street.
(13 -241) Laurent Armand, Alameda, and Mike Connelly, San Lorenzo, discussed the
situation at Nelson Marine; expressed that boat owners would like to work with the City to
move boats out of the closed facility.
(13 -242) Ken Peterson, Alameda, discussed the budget.
Mayor Gilmore announced that the recommendation to execute the Amended Patient
Transportation Services Agreement [paragraph no. 13 -247] and the recommendation to
appropriate $1,441,000 in Measure B funds [paragraph no. 13 -249] were removed from
the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote —
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
May 21, 2013
5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph
( *13 -243) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting and the Joint City Council and
Successor Agency Meeting Held on April 16, 2013. Approved.
( *13 -244) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,747,641.40.
( *13 -245) Recommendation to Set June 18, 2013, for a Hearing to Consider Collection of
Delinquent Business License Fees and Delinquent Integrated Waste Management
Accounts Via the Property Tax Bills. Accepted.
( *13 -246) Recommendation to Set June 18, 2013 for a Hearing to Consider Collection of
Delinquent Administrative Citation Fees and Vacant Building Assessments Via the
Property Tax Bills. Accepted.
(13 -247) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager, or His Designee, to Execute the
Amended Patient Transportation Services Agreement with the Alameda Health Care
District, and Amend or Add Subcontracts as Necessary to Fulfill the Terms of the
Amended Agreement.
Councilmember Tam inquired about the financial status of the program, how the program
compares to private providers, and whether the City is competitive in retaining market
The Fire Chief responded in the affirmative; stated the program is competitive; the program
could be very beneficial and be a permanent program; private providers are throughout the
Bay Area and nationwide; once the City started the program, there was an increase in call
volume and many private providers sought additional contracts with the Health District;
some were successful in taking away some business; call volume declined in October and
November; the Department did not realize the scope of the District's need for services;
staff met with the District's Chief Executive Officer to amend the agreement; approximately
$317,000 has been billed through April; with the approximately 24% adjustment made by
Medicare and insurance companies, the City anticipates about $242,000 will be collected;
to date, expenses are approximately $195,000; further stated around 40% of the calls are
redirected to subcontractors because the Department does not have the capacity to
respond to all calls.
Vice Mayor Ezzy - Ashcraft inquired where in the report is the amended language that
ensures that Alameda Fire Department Basic Life Support (BLS) will be called first.
The Fire Chief responded due to Medicare provisions, the City cannot have an exclusive
contract; stated the contract states Alameda will be a primary provider and will be called
first for all services listed; if staff cannot provide the service, one of the City's
subcontractors will be called to provide that service.
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Alameda City Council 2
May 21, 2013
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired where revenues goes, to which the Fire Chief
responded revenues go into the General Fund and also go back into the program for future
In response to Vice Mayor Ashcraft's further inquiry, the Fire Chief stated approximately
40% of calls for service are handed off to subcontractors and private providers because
the Department does not have enough ambulances or staff to handle the calls.
Councilmember Chen inquired about BLS staffing, to which the Fire Chief responded the
Department hired part -time Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) for the program, which
is below paramedics; two employees have been hired as firefighters elsewhere and a third
will soon be leaving to become a firefighter.
Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote —
( *13 -248) Recommendation to Award Contract in the Amount of $78,000 to MV
Transportation, Inc. for the Operation of the Alameda Paratransit Shuttle. Accepted.
(13 -249) Recommendation to Appropriate $1,441,000 in Measure B, $495,000 in Vehicle
Registration Fees, and $700,000 in Marina Village Assessment District 89 -1 Funds,
Allocate $313,296 in Contingencies and Award a Contract in the Amount of $3,132,961 to
MCK, Inc. for Repair and Resurfacing of Certain Streets, Phase 32, No. P.W. 11- 12 -20.
The Public Works Director gave a brief presentation.
Councilmember Daysog stated that he wanted the matter pulled for discussion to celebrate
the improvements being made; moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote — 5.
( *13 -250) Resolution No. 14808, "Approving the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement
Creating the Energy Council and Agreeing to Become a Member of the Energy Council."
( *13 -251) Resolution No. 14809, "Amending the Memorandum of Understanding Between
the City of Alameda and the Alameda Police Managers Association, June 30, 2013
through June 24, 2017, Section 26.7 Desirable Qualifications for Promotion and Approve
First Amended Appendix A, Salary Schedule." Adopted.
( *13 -252) Recommendation to Approve Workforce Changes in the Human Resources
Department, Eliminating the Position of Human Resources Director, Establishing the
Classification and Position of Human Resources Manager, Eliminating Two Senior
Management Analyst Positions, Adding an Administrative Management Analyst Position.
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Accepted; and
( *13 -252 A) Resolution No. 14810, "Amending the Alameda Management and Confidential
Employees Association Salary Schedule Establishing the Classification of Human
Resources Manager." Adopted.
( *13 -253) Ordinance No. 3073, "Approving a Lease and Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute Documents Necessary to Implement the Terms of a Lease Amendment with Bay
Ship and Yacht Co., Inc. for One Year in Building 292 located at 1450 Ferry Point at
Alameda Point." Finally Passed.
( *13 -254) Ordinance No. 3074, "Amending Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Section
30.7.15a (Bicycle, Motorcycle and Pedestrian Facilities) of Article I (Zoning Districts and
Regulations) of Chapter XXX (Development Regulations) to Comply with the City's Bicycle
Facility Design Standards." Finally Passed.
(13 -255) Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of Resolution Confirming Business
Improvement Area Report for Fiscal Year 2013 -14 and Levying an Annual Assessment on
the Park Street Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for Fiscal Year 2013-
14. [Continued to June 4, 2013]
(13 -256) Resolution No. 14811, "Authorizing the City Manager to Accept, Execute, and
Record Conveyance Documents in Substantial Conformance with Certain Phase 1
Property and Conveyance Documents from the United States of America, Acting by and
Through the Department of the Navy, to Implement the Economic Development
Conveyance Agreement for the Former Naval Air Station, Alameda (Phase 1 Alameda
Point Conveyance)." Adopted.
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point gave a Power Point presentation.
Mayor Gilmore inquired how many acres in Phase 1 are clean and suitable for
development, including residential.
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded approximately 482 acres.
Mayor Gilmore inquired if the 482 acres have restricted land use.
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded in the affirmative; stated there will
be restrictions for digging and using ground water for drinking.
Mayor Gilmore stated it is very important for residents to know that the team and the
Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) have worked very hard and held the Navy's feet to the
fire in terms of clean up; the partnership between the City's consultants, RAB, the
community and staff has made Phase 1 conveyance occur.
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May 21, 2013
Councilmember Daysog commended staff, the team of experts and previous Councils for
bringing Phase 1 conveyance to fruition; outlined the Navy's clean -up process; stated
residents and businesses should feel comfortable that Alameda Point is moving forward in
an orderly manner with safeguards against any potential downsides.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft thanked the Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point for heading
the decades -long conveyance effort; thanked City staff, previous Councils, the City
Attorney's office and outside counsel, George Schlossberg; stated that she looks forward
to an exciting future.
Councilmember Tam echoed her appreciation to the entire team; stated that she hopes
that the community realizes conveyance is a major milestone for Alameda, particularly in
trying to make Alameda Point suitable for redevelopment without redevelopment funding.
Councilmember Chen inquired the size of each of the 22 biological areas.
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded each area varies in size, from 10
to 60 acres.
Councilmember Chen inquired if the lighting, noise, and traffic restriction of each area is
outside the development zones.
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded in the negative; stated the
restrictions overlay the development and are based on the biological opinion; for example,
Fish and Wildlife Services has listed avoidance and minimization measures; the
submerged parcel has a restriction on development, including a no wake zone during the
Least Tern season; marinas are prohibited; restrictions were captured in each of the 22
areas so that property owners would know exactly which restrictions apply to their
Councilmember Chen inquired if restrictions, other than biological restrictions, would also
be spelled out.
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded the declaration of restrictions,
which includes biological restrictions, are separate from the deeds, which include all other
Mayor Gilmore inquired if a developer who purchases a parcel will receive a package that
includes a deed, the land use restrictions on the parcel, and a separate document which
outlines the biological restrictions on the parcel.
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded in the affirmative; stated
developing legal descriptions for each parcels is key to minimizing risk, helping developers
understand what they are buying, making the property more marketable, and leveraging
value for the City and its infrastructure needs.
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Alameda City Council cJ
May 21, 2013
Councilmember Chen inquired if there are any restrictions on the 104 acres of petroleum
The Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded in the affirmative; stated there is a
notification in the deed which says the104 acres of petroleum sites are separate parcels
that have not been closed and have certain housing restrictions; developers are very
accustom to dealing with petroleum; the Navy has committed to cleaning up the petroleum
sites post- transfer.
Councilmember Chen inquired if the over 100 acres can be easily addressed, to which the
Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Chen stated that he is excited conveyance is finally happening; it has
taken a collective effort from staff, community members, RAB, and the current and prior
administrations; congratulated everybody.
Stated the City finally having control of the land at Alameda Point is very exciting and
HOMES will continue to offer its services and do whatever possible to help move ahead:
Diane Lichtenstein, HOMES.
Discussed the process the City went through to get to this point: Former Councilmember
Doug deHaan, Alameda.
Expressed support for the aggressive schedule presented; stated that she is excited about
the next steps: Karen Bey, Alameda.
Mayor Gilmore stated the schedule is aggressive, but staff has shown the ability to work
diligently and thoroughly to meet aggressive time schedules in partnership with the
community; bring Alameda Point to the marketplace in a relatively short period of time is
important in order to take advantage of the excellent timing.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Chen: Aye; Daysog: Aye; Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye; Tam: Aye; and Mayor
Gilmore: Aye. Ayes: 5. Noes. 0.
(13 -257) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Three -Month
Agreement with the Alameda Unified School District for the Operation of the District
Swimming Pools.
The Recreation Director gave a brief presentation.
Councilmember Tam stated the City estimates $308,000 in revenue would be generated
from swim programs; the City's share is $154,000; inquired if the City generates more
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May 21, 2013
revenues then its share.
The Recreation Director responded the aquatics programs generate a net revenue of
approximately $10,000.
Councilmember Tam inquired what the City does with the net revenue.
The Recreation Director stated the net revenue goes into the Recreation Fund and back
into programs.
Councilmember Tam inquired what kind of revenue the School District could expect to
generate if it implemented such a program.
The Recreation Director responded every aquatic program is different; stated the School
District would not offer the same aquatics programs as the City; therefore, the District
would not have the associated expenses; rent revenue would generate approximately
Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Chen seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote — 5.
(13 -258) The City Manager encouraged Alameda businesses to renew licenses by the July
31St deadline; reminded everyone renewal can be done on -line; announced five pinball
machines would be at City Hall from May 28th to July 1st
(13 -259) Written Communication from the League of California Cities Requesting
Designation of a Voting Delegate and Alternates for the Annual Conference.
Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of designating Councilmember Tam as the
voting delegate and Councilmember Daysog as the alternate.
Councilmember Chen seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote — 5.
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May 21, 2013
(13 -260) Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft announced that she attended: the Annual Affordable
Housing Week kickoff in Oakland on May 10th; the ribbon cutting of Park Alameda, which
is on the former Islander Motel site, on May 15th; and the Harvey Milk Celebration at
Encinal High School on May 20th.
Councilmember Tam stated soon -to -be Interim Police Chief was also in attendance;
several of the organizers and community members expressed appreciation for the
Alameda Police Department's presence and indicated they are reassured that the Police
Department will be there when there is a hate crime.
(13 -261) Councilmember Chen announced a flag raising ceremony on June 8th recognizing
Filipino Independence Day.
(13 -262) Councilmember Daysog announced that he attended the Not Your Mothers
Garden Party hosted by the Alameda Point Collaborative.
(13 -263) Mayor Gilmore announced that she attended the annual International Council of
Shopping Centers conference in Los Vegas; the Alameda Landing project got a huge
boost as Target is slated to open in October 2013; she met with several Alameda Landing
retail tenants; the following businesses indicated stores would be opening in Alameda:
Corner Bakery Cafe, Michaels, Safeway, Sleep Train and Habit Burger Grill; stated
additional business indicated a desire to locate in Alameda, but deals are not finalized.
The City Manager stated Catellus plans on completing construction of all Phase 1
buildings by mid -2014.
There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.
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Alameda City Council 8
May 21, 2013