Resolution 03935, 1) "TiESO1 ,D7.10N ORDEBIT.1 REDUCTION OF ASSESS=S IST.A.NT SEVU. ASSSMENT PROS21 T REoLvEm, by City Colmc31 of the 01'.t7 of Alameda, Call.forrla, that, WIIEFEAS, the assesr:-/rent for the .2.ewer proje,',.-,t under Re,..,:ol-ot7.on. of inten- tIon 3a17 is in. tire amor.rt of '393,,YX2-50; WH.EEAS, as a result of econc)rls effectd in the project, the amount of the flnal. asse:,,,snert should. be C:E56,5B130; YDS, TIT,T0CHE, IT IS 0:31317,HED tnat the excesn be applled ar, a ercrIlt to each assessment or instailTlleni:, there, a prurata share of a.z. each asessment, .nstallmnt bears to kl..1.1. tho assesmnts. Vihere Mao acressmont or any Installment tlr.,:reor ha:3 hoer. paid. 7f,r. cash. 3r.ach. crdlt be returned In tr. tho person. paying the norresponding assssm.nt or in- tallnent, and villere the.; asessmet or any 1.n.stanmort thereof -.7.s the credit shall be applled a ci.,:3r:,spor,ding reduction of the amount stated on t-ne alst of urri.,..a.M as,-.10,ssnents„ T, tbe vr,dersign.,,3d, certify that the fore7,01nE resolution. Is a cory of resol.13ti.on adc7,tc-i. by the City Cornell of tI).F., City of Alaillo6.a, Cali fornta, at a regular meet.l.nE onth.f.',.. 1st day the following vote:'.. Cffur.c1.1..r,er. Andenrlon., Jones, 'Osborn, Swoeney and Pre!sident Bran23 b.eld, (5). NOES: None„ 11111 13 None,. IN WITNESS VEERECTF,T. 'nave hereunto my 1113' and. affixed the GM- soal of :laid. Clty thAo t'nd day of rEPIDrimry, ler 0 113 City Alameda I hereby certi.fy that the foregoln '5.'3 a full, trur and. c_tcrIct (°.c..y of aplution Ea. 3g3S, ORDERING EDUC7:014 CP 1.,S=:M=S 1...-ISESSY,F.J7;.' PROJECT FO, 1„" Introdueod and. .Rdppted t„he Corno.1,1..pn day of I.oebruary 1949.