Resolution 04920...ESOIff,,f13)N NO, t,.92n APF.BOVING FOR TBANSFEB .OF Th33TOBAR2- PULIC HOUSING TO 33.E HOUSIIOU AUTHORITY. 02 THE CITY OF BLAYEDI - (HOUSIA.G Ix2TEORIfY RESOLBTION 233' BE IT RESOLVED 137. THE CO,UNCIL OF THE CTT2' OF AfABSE2A that lt does hereby specifically ap7prove the request of the Hbusi...g Authbrity of the City of Alrfmed., ResolotC3n No. 233, dated the 26th dao- of 'Kay., i954, for tranfer of' the following; describd. temporary. war housin. project, pursuant to 7.*'.,t3. VI of PublIc Law 475e, 3ist ConFress. Project Name: ENT..BINAL Project Number. Cal-4113 Typel Tenporary No. Dwellins Strutureo: 155 Dwellir Units: 1,240 73. Non-Dwelling Strubtures: Tyre Non -Dweifing Stractucces: I cbmbinction managem3ot -comaarnity -store builOing 1. kt.fsen station BE IT PURT42O fESOLVED Olat the foregodfc approval of said requcst is given subject te) the terms of tnnt certalry agreeraent between t.tJ said ficusing Authordty and. t Citw of Al.amda, authorized by- Resolotlbn No. 4919 of this Council. * * n * * n * I, the uer8iEnad., nereby certify that the foregbing Resolution. was dufLy and regularly introdued and. adopted. by the Counbil of the City of Almeda in. regular. meeting cssembid. on the lst day of June, 195b, by. the fol.flowig to wit; AYES: Councilmen Anderson, McCall., Nres.i and. President Sweney 4 . NOES: None. ABSENTB Councilman. fons, (1). IN O2fTESS WEEREOF, I have hereunto sc,t my- band and. affixed. the official 2eal of said City tbla 2nd day of June, 32)511 SHIRLEY. H. TENNIER -------- City Clerk of the City of illarleda I hereby certify that the foreccing is a. full, trupO and correct copy of "Rosclution No. 492.0, APPROVINn REOUILIST FUR TEANSFER OF TEI,TORABA' PITOLIC UOUSING TO THE HOUSING AfTHCHITY OF THE CITY. OF - (HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 233)", introduced and. adopted by tLe Council on: the ist day of fune, 1952! - e ity Clerl,,BrIf the City of Alameda. / I Bot