Resolution 04921RESOLHTION NO. 4921 APPROVING HEAIILLAST POE. TRANSFER OF TEMEORARY PUBLIC NCHISING TO THE HOUSIUG AUTHPRITY OF THE CITY C,F ALAEDA - (HOUSING AUTHORITY. RESOLUTION NO.(23E) HE IT (2..E0b7E5 BY TEE CONN= OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that it boas bbrEby spiesifIcAlly approsb the reqnest of the Houslhg Authority of thE City of Almedp, by Resolstlan No. 234, dated the 26th dsT of May, 1054, for tr.:Ins:0er of the following lescribeH tsnoorary bap hnsisn,* broinst„ rbrstatint to Title VT of Public Lab. 475,„ blst Congress: Project Usme: CHIPMAN Project Number: Cal.-4114 Type: Tenobrary No. Dwellinn Structums: 95 owejainF, Units: 760 No, Non-Dwelling Strubtureo( Type Non-Dwelling Structares: 1 combination mbnagement-community building 1 child dare bnilding 1 abrosone station aE AT FERTHEE RESOLVED that the foregoing all:pro:rad of aald. request is given subject to the terms of that bertain Agreement between. the said Heusi:an Anthority and the City of Alsneda, athorized by Rosolotion Ho. N.919 of this Council. * * * * * * * * * I, the undetnigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duiss an3 . regularly intr31 daced. and adopted. by the bounpil of the City of Alameda in rebniar meeting asses:1)16:d on tne ist day of Jrne, 1954, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Connbilmen Anderson, McCall, "(forest and President Sweenpv. (4). NOES: None. ANSEITP Counnilman Toneo, (1).- IN. WITNESS WHEREOF', I 'nave hereunto set Tha hand. and affixbd the official seal of said City this 2nd day of June, 195E. MAC. SHIRLEY H. TERN= City Clerk of thb Olt::: of Alameda I hereby certify. that thb foresoinn is a full, true s.d. correct cobsis of "Resolutibn Ye, 4921. APPROVING REANJET FOR TRANEHET: OF TEILFORAR7 OLISLIC H.ObING. TO TUE ROUSING AUTHORITY OH THE CITA. OF ALAYPA - (HOSLAING AUTOPITV RINNARLTION NO. 234)0 introdaused anb. dosteS by tbe Connell on the lbt dsg of june. 1954. City Clerk tbe City of Alameda