Resolution 04930-RESOLUTION NC. .!1.93.0 APPEINTENG MEMBER OF THE PUELIt UTILITIES BOARD RESOLVED BE THE COUHCIL OF TUE CITY OF E.LACtu0A thot pursuant to tne provisiona of Article X of the Charter of the City of Alacaeda, and upon nomination Of the Ma7or, JOHN MC, OuCCA, Is hdreby appointed. to the office of member of fh,': Pualin Utllities Board of the City of Alameda for P tern. commencind on July I, 1954, and expiring on June 30, 195:d3, and to serve until his. SUCCO3SOP is appointed. and is qualified. * * I, the. undersidnc,,,,d, hereby oortify ,Eat the foregoins Resolutlan was duly and regulaniT introduaed. and adopted by tale Council of ta.e City of Alameda in. reF.;cidE meeting assembled. on the lst day of june, 19545 at. the followin rote, to wit: Counailnen Enceron, hcOaci, Eoresi and Pre6iceni), BweeneE, INES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Jnnes, (1). IN' WITNESS HBEREOF, I have nefeunto set my hanal and. affixed thd official seal. of said City. this 2nd day of June, 1.954.„ SHIRLEY H. TERRIER CitET Clerk of the City cf Alalnedat * * * * * * * * * * * T hereby certify that the foregoind: is a full, true and correct copy of Resolutlon do. 49301 APPOINTIEE EMEEKE OF THE PUEEIC UTILITIES BaAnD", introduced and adopted by the Council on the lst day of JUTIO, • City ClecH Of the City of Alanecia ..E