Resolution 04937":233 RFSOLUTION NO. 4937 AUTIORISING .THE EXECUTION OF IXEMORANSUR AGISEIXIXENT WITN THE ST4E: OF CALIFORNIA TO EXPENDITURE OT CAS TAX. ATsoCATIOT PDR MAJOR CITY STBE2TS FOR THE FISCAL los!, 7stss q1.1E-REAS, the State of Celifornia Sias submitte,d. a Memorandum of Project Agreem.sst for the fiscal year 1954.-1955, for t9e essenditure of Gas Tax Allosetion for Lajor City Streets; and. ASIEFEAS, it is rn SIA.e interdst tftat said Aqrssment should be OKO,OOfteff.; Ng.9 THER275APE, 3E Il' RESOL7ED 3Y 9HE COUN9ii, OF THE CITY OT AIIIMEDA tSat SA...m.ossand-arl of Agreercient for axopsysalfsure of Gas Tas Allocation for i.Ajor City Strets for SA]..o fiscal year 1954-1955 be estered. into, and thnt the Z,Ayos of isSe City of Alameda be, end. he is Soreby- alytherizeS. and dis,ested. to execate said. Agrorolst on behalf of the CJty of Alameda, And. the City Clerk is autiscriss.d to attes,At tt.e sam.e. 1, t5e usladessiznY)s, certify that 1Sne foAc..y.winA aasosutSols was duay and fess:la:ply introd9sed and adopted by the Cow:cell of the 19*, of Alrisde. AA resolar assemb16 on thy) 15th dysy of Juno, 2,64, by the follAinF vote, 595" ADync.15.55.en. Andercor., joyles, McCall, Mosssoi pnA 9-9.9.9dent S7Ineney, (5). NOES.: None, ASSFATP: Non. 5TTA7955 9.5E.F.E0P, I have her,......Ante s6t hon6 Sias official soal of oaid. City- thls 16th. Say of June 1954. 9.79.AT Cl9r5- 5f tCryc, CAlty of Alan(Sa I S$reby certify sSat tIse toreFyoinJs a lull, true and cosrest copy oS ATTI.S.)SISN9 THE 1555S5A,USYSSTly 09' A(599yEcj.,9T IyAssy YqE STATE 09 CALIFOSAA:A. FAR 9SSEADICS11.5., CP' GAY., TAX AIISCASIA.A,T USE'. MASsali C597 HA.AASTS 90.h THE JAISCAL. YEAR 195).1... -.1-955", Introduced prS. ASArted. by the Coqns]9. on. the. 15th dff: of June, 1S54. .44 Cit7 Olt7- of Alameda A.)