Resolution 04938"ss's 0 St' 0:1 ssts.'..,. sssts,
Uonfied School Distriat for the services of a etaalified person. to administer and
ay:eery:Lee CatINJ Etatteation Departnent .aor the peteod fron Jaly- 1, 19533 to
33'17°0 7,0, 1954.; and
.vnInhe tethoti to said eFe,,,,,,,tenol, "L' or a riod
Cite arall. pay for sajd. sorte,cea ths) cum of 9:293.00 per hatet14
ttett tent Naror of th.o City of A.11""3,,,:r1P eetr he is roreby aottoritad and
dilate tea to exe cts,stEsse tiemoraso dun" rife roo afic f, „and thei
elty Clark as auttlnreted to sttest the sanes,..t,
SsE ssits?.:rIcst(E1,. ItFtr,,tts,s7- l st,t, 'Cy t ftstr t?.. oStett Itstssi ts,ts.
tee ieiti e t int,: sser,j,,t1...e cs.1. osis, C' t une , oy 170 101,T
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r'?" n...TH.EREOF, r ou.Isttc set l'1":""=" Issi..c.stad ..R.f..Stf..'sjt;:c...".L the., off lc a SI.
etancilman enderhory Janet:, Neaten, ttoresi and Presieent,
'rt,s,troi„tsy. evirst t t flan c" r11.7"e ftcyr..-,y (s)
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