Resolution 0494011J1n2Si4nld.rnM. "i73.66 FRON INTEIST "HTDEMPICJJ FUND
#12 (ACCUNT (J122:' T2 ITIJEPFT LT:fp 2=222TION .7=2 #12
be, fnnd the sninnh.. is bereby transferred from. Interest Pedenbrion 2n.nd #12
!!:,12) "Interest and hndemptIon Fund (Account. 623).
The ...,Jhditor the breaourey, aba ber eby. berbbhhized arn dIretnd to
ra'nn Fr-lad. transfer. on thnla' bespecti7e hoo, Fl. nmd reno:nd,
I, thb unbersAnnned, horery certify. the foregoin7 nesoltlnn. was
dhi..y abb. regalarly introduced bnd adopted by the Cobcfa of the Cit.,b of Ainada
regular meeTAng assembled on tbn 16th da7 of Jrne, 19h22, br the following
ynte, to wit
Sweeney, (5).
hh-nciimbh hnlnrson, Jonns, "gornl arml Preblent
AabEnTE. None.
nlITJE33 I have hereunto set my hinnd and affriexed the offinlal
neal of said bhty tnis 16th day of Junb, 195)10
- he it --
City Clerk of t Cy of Alamedb
I nereby certify tbet the nore?":2JinF.,, le a fuJa, true nerd correct enpy of
Ue. 4240, 2RANabERRI7,1 FRON INTE.52&"..".T AND l'22LEYPTION. FUND
(AChnebNT 612) TO EnITHbEST Ajbl Ii1J.JDNYTION TbND .#13 (AnnOhbT 613)", introdneel and
ejobted. ny the Comnr11 nb •the 15th as:b. of June, 1Y5':.1..
'2 /2 /
C.J.T7 Clerggf City of Alamb,lb