Resolution 0494171,E130=Tii NO 4941 CORETING. A SIC1,11IAL 11:11113 TO 5E KNONN AS 'S-11ECTT11., CITT HALL FEFAIR. PUND" AND 11i1N1=TifT.11. TTSEETC ,LUO SUM 01, .6o.00.00 PROi1 Corn HALL nnt1TENICNCE AND CfiOITYCX1 TiTnaT ACV= NT11TC1P OSTPCrTncws AJD INTROVEMENTS) fund. to be }<flown as '''Special City Hal]. Repair Fund.' is herby cayeated ynoi eotablislied. IT n.117,1ch nESOLYED thct the sc...m of" 16000..00 be, and ohoy same is hercolY traosfered from City Hall ITaintoncillee and. Gy..ounds Up1oep Account Noc, 11M4lia (STructuTes TypTovements) to said. SpeciYa City Hall Repalr Fund. 1CyJE, Auditor and. th Tn.yacc000r aye heieby authorizcd. and directed. to create sa'Ic] fuTY3 ,Y,c1 to MRk.e, necessary. tcansfeay on theil.' Tosoectiye books, 1, tne itndec-isiyned, icereb7 certT117- foroyzyclyco! RocYcliftion. m.y.3 d,11:5' and rn,,.,u1srity introcuced and adopted.. by the Council of the (il.tYc of Aialyy,yda in i,eFular meet1n7, assembled. on th 15th. d,.9.7 of fotne, 195., lay the foll.owin,Y, vote, to ,yitz AYES: Conneilmen AnClerson, Jones, Mc‘,Call, Morosi and Plyes1d2nt Sweeney, (5). MI15: Nano,. ABSENT None. WITY2SS VT:11 I have liertyunto set irc/ hiarc1 and. affixed tOiy. SF:r-0. of said. City this 16th cisy of ,Tlyyr.e, c t7,7 T.T.F I nereby cert'ICT IO'nnt thre foreyin: io a Tull, tPue and, correct copy of Noo. C1.iJOATINC A SPEC1AOT liMWN ,S7.'1CTAL CITY HALL v1TTAIR PC1173, AND TRAJSFED.21.11i THEO:ET° '1.1E ST'M UP ':i;6oco.,,00 FY10,11 CITY CaLi NAISTENANCE ;Thy, TYTKCC::YT ACCOUNT NUM6ER (STE!TCVnRES .140 TIKOPfCYT11ENTS)", fontrodycee and. adopted. by. tlae Cuanoll on thy 15th. day of ,Divole, i954