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Resolution 04945
241 HETabetTfON NO. Y''.45 A faaSeattridea trinTOITOXeda.i'd.da . TaN.BER Fedi) Fdaniati.aTF,Y(.', CO7XTITIEATION OFT.t.ChIlhd. .Fd""I'D OTTER Inidibin0e,TaaaoS COT e 11'...4.1e1OJah ROITES TT. IT '13'T THE CXT.d.FTL OF TaL Can TT OT ALlaTODa. AS F'0"1:inUdS: Thls head-lotion oaddi be knawn ti"da "Sadixa'y desoletaon for the Fiscal 'Year " EfEfELIPILl. O'ne dealowina cara;eraand exniain ail or ohn rates of sonconation ed.,n1toanie to positTons in the servlce or tnn tee settirQ Wl+)..0E0 sa7nriss ond rates of corst:DenseXion axe specOficalix clocetca *a.n FaXat Connell by. the, Cita' Chexter. Ifl',112LY,L1° 1, :T+Th.++,+; fri)1104tT+3,31.7., salary schedule Too locans coartain indientaxna aboluse.m6n.to71 +11++++Intr+3.111 VatSE.+1 COnir+0 +AO +++.'61,+++++ ,atid-o„ cam...„...t.cat.je tyooso belno, ..,tat.Lt.3, to/ anrcoundlad bay Area commneadbien for coanaxabJta typen of wnrk, Ined,obenet ot ndeessinned oce-etr].onc. nn those oasce dnere., bcrto5..n t:d.esn pnori,n'ada nox lao onnot'aans 2-110C&L,a 'so r.,,"0, ue rotLeo0 g+t t'AP caan nototino atep in ton nninfc re' tn fen canos et taca,' cocapiTc ar thalf Forxer „ p a.,3 c, 11,:n 7++.1,.),+•1+.+C:',715 +)01+ 7,C,:+7,+; 01+ r:+++, C.ORItfit+T‘'+++ fit n:'Pj n", flooce°1 "yee."2. n. aptid'dfato deal soloras. ncno-Lctodn to a nest'ofnc soar] bo aicOn pt une sena) accianatad for, that onetacrFar nf otoit.:aoc„ ,1,+!,0+0, re:...) he dat'Cr:fd lc a ftto cxx)nd ane -ndnianna 00+,,,+++,:,5,+ Or' ++21'6 aciiiTy and canahlonce, nn ah thone 1, t9 "!--Fe'nelcopr's roc ta -no't'en nt 'Xo o'n:fun hoe... cortnocche fnn deralne on. a della- bnoin, or, to canneXn earn:legs, thn daily cats cf natt skientl be dateaoralned aivid" thn snonthatc naLe by t'lae nu:nicer of (.:1.as in the 'Illonta andolvead. Anpat-ntlbent to n nadatOon aXdfl. enroanfrs be a'n the dIant ntan tne enx- of" tec",e r_ecrioe. followeere:" oleo moleth.o. of eelcviee. 00cooeftele, efecoicyee: who oloeoiteLoe a eaCciefactofcc Fade]. of ecra c. Aeo oe3-ooe ie eceretE(1 e coonoon nt n n;,cn onoxo too .att sten e.f cootrod arldrx tarroo xtl.on,„be oaccooad fx eho Fot stop at t ,o stoc oh tno dadop,/ .asao Pcr . sincoodd.od b'ten tap!: neon-to n'eccaTco on '+'+-T osa of tee nca noecc:,e- cadnostXon n: eacn aceo c: sanace. 61;0 p '7.5t7.`rp 77;17,?? i0772:17-771,77J('.. 2 1 -,i 2,7 67, 3 ; 5,7: 387 77-77 .777; _ 33 3 l 37" .5 3 36 707 717 222 , P15 7777 27;5 7707 223 23i, 26(3 756 777:73 , 838 575 3437 03753 3-70 2?9 777-7.77, 2E4 77=7" 0 235 _ - - _ 9 2'72 77:5!;. 767" 2 3,533 7-70 lo 35 7 2.07i. 7:..'3"3, 226 2973 1.2 2,7, '7. 2-7 7783 27)9 3;07 I20. 2,,la - - - i., ,3 248 5, P7(7; .7„.0.)'-,. 706 _ 1.1! 268 232 2.95 310 _002, 1 :::; 260 781 3 '76 --7 2 9 278 5777 - "3 3 3;36 z 70 „ , 7 _ 3 6 2 t 6 309 3i 37 3739 .8; 5 -, 9 7373 320 223 33'3 3-37 3 3 317 327 342 35-3 373 :', 1 6 301. "3302 362 7877 ....7 3J 9 --;-5:-.2 138,0 7,707 727; 301 3 -z,e. 37'. 390 36, 331 347 567, 364 „ ,,,,, a . . 57 3377 305 3,3 367 4055 20 344 367. 320 39d ;3,1 3 374 7, ■, 0 365 .363 7316 77 -337 350 3'76 20 35:1 3,66, 3736 '6783 31 307 3771. 352 610, 626 32 360 3377 33(3.'3 6 79; .264 7, 3. "3 7i: 30,8 3,,:..06 0-32 7001 -0' '7,',.',. 393 b. 775 - 6 7 , 35 6, - 33337 5.70 639 4,88 3,-Y, -.--., 3736 7106 1;. 33 33, 57,7 066 87 '3,1 3, - a. 3, 32,, ,:a7e ,,,,a a ia.-,, ,,, 8 7337 67,7 614 37 3, 7736 7 73, 4,37 L;:.; 9 ',ter 7:q5.1 412 5, 434 - 439 '.":77I-, t. C0.3 0,715 ,070i 5-704 ,.-.:7:777 r.:`,770 .5 '.'„.e. '•■•(:07) , 3b :,..7,77 50 .'7,8, 76 3- 8.91 615 .73,i36 4 559 500 7? C- 556 ,-21-1 - hi-i 522 068 774 (2'7-8', 6E 6 „ 53'7 4737 5E8 4,7 61 639 61. 665 6)3 676 , 6,96 6.35 69 879 66 :I. 072 1166.66 Step S t n e 6 7331 699 6639 ,1! 675 706 0775 9(1',1 736 702 734 736 ;362 766 „3 698 7.1 9. 6c 6 a da. cf Poo:1606ns 76,d Pay Ranz6 . L7JD:TGa, A3-7,16,6s08). 3 766 ff tor 662 e.7",, ,13. e are6 61.1e61, e7 1 7, i p YP ee Ae ac r a 7 100 7 7, Assistant tile,P0,7 Inspe, tor Assistant 16_7=lng inspector ' 7707 17; 7, t ,7,77 1.771 60 67. 6 1 elek Sr , ,1637: 717.1.7,10-(01,,erek '69 6 6 77, 07`,7',778,) ttendant ,69,"ettle s s 8667,67671,,,,te of Pe s t:i 0es 1 59a I16 1..6 1.6 1783.6173.3688-733:7163). 1.80 (7:79) )6,316,333,6 67 168 tO 1777 e7,1„..,..7':" h5 626 39396 t63.533,63 to 75)63 e71.1:7.7 280" 106 .71•=. Clark • Plan n .7.1. t 1 52 100 ST . 0 lorP-Typ 6s ( Half - ) 16. 77. of T59971.7A.799 ql.f ' 72'or 9Ar -99 '12a 110 9(6,977.1 Y. LAalt11 2:71v:1992 127A777.:ilytcr '2 '277, 121 ,yA41LAY- 179"19A f.AorA'nAtor 1 VI' ='79111.92y F199 Coot,elnatcr 2 7,7 9,9', S9. 33,6990963paar-'9.1aak 1P. 172 11999.9t179 Se9777.97.77, civil SArvi9A DA!,- 110 PersonnAl. (1.19rk 1 106 '1779isty9lerk (92777171-1519e7' 1.9-3 Sr. ';',--7771,79-9,219A9A-Ylerly 1 7f.EL Fire Chief 1 6377,. P.ssiEtant F9re C7.19f 3 57a Fir9 Ca9tain 10 979-. Fire 11..97tenant 9 J177P- - A9st. :71re 1291-:,..s9a1 i7.7A.9, Flreymn A, ?99. ./..9to-.7.7)9197. M9092.9..12.. I 26 Sr. Sten9rApt9r-C1Ark 1 12 7.21)27.7ST A TAD f..9ty Ph77siciary (Part-T1779) 1.27c97gency S9797909 (Part-171me) he71.sterAd. .11,Ar9e Felief 9te,ward (PArt-'171.9e..) P.rofessional. GT.yens1.7.99per Auton.otive Ne9hanic Golf Starter 7.72o9.999-91.99.-G9Tdener 099pator JArltor 1.771971,99 12e 19 77 22a 30 26 9 15 2 13 in. A9A191on. t9 no979e co.99ensatIon, par9ons 9A171AA th9 7,ositIon Laeoece, ;:17,e .17.)19 yepartment. 999n. so 99.999.99, .97,11 receive 7-79 adAitional sun 99 99r .92)9th for ni9ht w9ter999:79 HEALTH. H9911.9. (77717.IcAr I. 63 Director of P991-1,9 Hooath an-aling 22 Health EducGtor ' 9 y9 79 D9roctor of Sanit9tion 1 40 171.7blic Hesith Labo-972tor7.7 T9:7'719inAar 1 97 Public. aalt19 :7199Se 9 P7 Selyltari9m 2 ',."-r( Rodent Control Officer 1 19. Sr9 Clere9Typist 1 V... Sr9 St9770.9rep2.9r-ClArk ,. 19 J99 Sten9TAA9...er -Clerk , Typist-Clerk 1 A Laboratory Ass 1 9 t e393A-, ( H a 1 f - ,P9 me ) '9 ,,, J19715tre99 1 L.,,, AssitAant Labor Supervisor Park T19.1ntellance Foremall T7791.79.99.anAe P19171bel, F9.9179,../.99 072.99.9tor N9rseryman Pe,rk 9972etaker 4 0,1,138 TitIf:1 1".,II•LIL:rre)..tio,r2oclt) 552 Truck prive,r r .141. 'free, Tree Tpl.ramer 3 :Lb • !.:;91 Pltukber,oi Helper 1 11.. 54.7 Gard5,:p.er, 1 r. Laeerer 14. 13 Et.e.r.tue 0 .,. 27fLici.,2 (e.I.0 Polioe7,icklan 2 29a 61,-'. ,FerAti,ok Cf-rier 521 29a '2.Y., Pollee Liorettor.ant 3 52a (O33.2 Pollee Cooptkin --, k7e, .1-,2.'r,r,Ificafo:rte. Off:leer .t. Poltike Mder k(.P., 2kr?„22,3 ii.pr51.0 Terhnkciar. 1, 3,3 3:,-: Rodio ferlinkcice I Sr, Ste.rrepker-lerr "•,' 12 Sonle rekber 02 tre; Tkrlice Dkro:rtkont :eke, ek,k,1:1 F: '... t PC'. '1 tttt, orrrelk:leek!,-,ecoes etf ..e.,,relt kvolver ;Mot,' ''&,-.,:aIle:5hoer." or "earsrrn" ''.e rromfre.noo ,,kitr nhe oror:'..soer o.k nrsietjor 2n, 29Cri :'','11-‘.1 r,oco:?k,e2., ioe, or2Aton oc rkto coreronJoL.02 orkevir..oOl ;.,,o02,L,,, nnd no ronk no skok kk,alifIcet3o-or orn Icealreo. ci-:e Jollo-Jir,2 ar.00.nts 'teTlyenert l'..eirckire.Fer Shot," "Sliarpsn..opter" "Me.rksekarejt 2orrksenFor >on," Pora,kre `itnre: <91'. (.1erk-Trir', ' .yet-C,L,r2 15,(:)n por re-)rth Tror month 2,,k0 per ripen.th D",.2.-ector of' freekkroeto.cr, 'k Plresical Education (ria:i.felkri) I 52 Srrr2rvior of Reerreteor. 1 2:.-, Sokkoz•visor of Atikeetickl 1 t2 :•ilecreatioe, .Sracialist (Per-le-Tiele) "-. 717 5:555-pe5t3.5531 15156. {5pRrt,57.3.5,,,-,) 5 71e, ::li-..,,,, 23ear,o,",oftpleor-rierk 1 :1.2' [ttt,, (.3'.3,2i "ekle-eor (Dekeler -'kk 1.3-3 -•oi oolee) n 245 Malntenanc) Suiteriontondent faliil:.erlanee !bohethan Caitpchate-ohoma:n hainceriine nen.tinic Adcootivo (hhhig!bent Operator Artonotive hbochimix, .loodpilent doerator Painter. Traffic 'Pa.:hater Tr,lok Yotor Sehileeman Cement Finiser $1.1.17e Laborer Laborer Sr, Acconfit Clerk SeorotaTv-3tenoiraoner Sh. Sterfigraph.er-Clork Troatmrer TPX Collector Deputy Treasurer' Intermediate. AccoLtt Clerk Pa-tic:Into Meter Collector Parddin7 Met,tr Repairt!oii. 79EbT !,c(lh. ALL .LIbbl'fRibKlMUS-- ,,,,T, ST01(7 Ii51=7 EXTRA 1.1(nbi Sr. Aoccont ttr. C.tenop-ioapphinit -Clerk Jr, Stenorahhhr Intoitiociiate ulorit-ditiqtast. Tdo,oist -Clerk TolooLone porato.f. Emorenh..y Surd:hon Public Health. Laborat,try Tochnifidn Rtoilsterftd Nithse SP. Englneer Enodineerin 2blobs MaIntenando hbothailc, LWOOrer Janitor Janitress Ticliddy iTaitk. Ali. City (tidhloTaes cov.o..?ea Itt! this t.esaiuttion, exhiodiii7 reaalor members of the L'ir8 and PohAe. Ooptindnents, part tatimo enployeos. and divislon or aepartment heado., who aro requited to chrit od. any nstablishod holiday, shall.: (ll ha odid tor ta. namher hOUTS -notated at tho rate of one and one -tidif timeo the stitio,ht time rate tithed on. their nloothiti saiario; or be abilowtad dooL tibto thf Crobt employment with.. pay as to tao natoboh hO,)7'3 ',coined. on. the holidy. tbilt holidapyd, c(nlen fall on a scheduled WOrk aay for the ertpitayee, no taa e.vent fra ortiloyee ds required. to work on a holiday, and. tIt'Ls hni-,de.7 is beyond bits nottalar wohl. week„ there thall ho no bytowlOin of holiday pay in addition. to overtime, 24 Itb("1,,TRY ln],ce eicd. ?ire Departments. Ala ehTioyees of the Polite aud e.nxehtln tho Politico b(ire chief, clerks, 8ten.u?.;..L'apne.cs, or ouh.er emodmmoes, shall. be. haiti additional ocmhedsation 217 for holidays at the straia-,hti. time daily rate of 1/30 tbbir reTular monthly salamies„ This provision etrwEllos to thb follomEnny h.olAdays: • Year,s Day T.:ince:Luta Birthday W shino;tonts Birthday Ybmorial. Day E....i.epen.Jonoe Day Christmas Day Labor D)a AdmAsgin. .Day Columbus Day veterans' !Day' ThallEsejviny; Drry In tile event any of tEe aforementibnen. olidays shadi fail tte vacation parl.oc. of laid. employees, tho Department Heal s.....en1 deberniblo yEbtUou tare employees affected. anaaa be additional roambwlealumma for sabh hell:la:2 or Or...I.:i.e....ye, at tbe rate in this paraar,raph provided, or be alio,abd. addilomen. b,.reatEon. t)..mie to corTensato for tbe loss of sb-U o.o. holidays. part -tIzne embawyees, alvisibn or department heads, is requited. to berform emerercay work in excbss of the vicrk hours bear Cay or on his off, as proviOrd in thb wbrk schenuJe for his positionl! (i) Me sooal ee subh time off from his empioyment with bay FS is eabba to the aEount of tine wer'bed in exboss of tUE fbrk. hobrs per da, for subh elasslioatlen; or (2) he. sWall be puid for subh Yovk ar hourly basis at a rote of ono. nbr.1 one -Snit tlres Vac r8te peld. to h.).m. for his. somvices performed. dwrinm his nlarnal work hours. Erbmobiuns. in promotion, for satuary pulaposes, nay ea delibba appoinl.ent to a close mit maxlmum searry than the one orevlous17 hold. provider. in fhe salary ramo,:e for bbb net, oissa walth. lb at least ono step tEan. tEe tha emeloybe was recelving in the folmer position. Advencement to souceeding steps will be in accordance witb. the nroeedu.T.)e outlined in Seetlon 2, Parerzraph 2, 7, 9:507e. 5. Ali 1...3.).aries and oom000sations, as fiEed by tE.f...o. snoll be aya.ele, in aurbaTs, on the 5th and on tee 20th d.a.b- of each. calendar brovided, that when ana- ouch. day falls or. a lofbaE heild.ey„ pay...abut shull. be 71.0,d,,7,- on. thb nest preceqing dby. 6. The salaTaies amd. rats of compensation as fixed. by tb.db meoonution. sheEl. be effeetive sb of and. after J-9.1T 1, 1954„ • FUETE.Eli RESOLVED that ell other rear)atdbna, maeroM in conflEct nofeblth, nEb, to tee extent of sucE cenfliet only, Eeroby rbocioded and. annulled, 1, ooreay eertEf7e brut tMe fore-twiny.. Oution wee., ow)) - and bestaltooly introduced able adopted by the aboneil a'' r)- a rouou).Ebe meeting assembled on the 15bb e9,,, of Jere, 1954A 1'7, f6-71- -'6 -7 to wit A.ToE Cybbr:)mca o,b.t.)oume, dttnos, Mob.all, m.bcos). Land aboas'eoL Suaerey, (bb). e)Ebt7: Eonc. IN WITNEEE Ebem0Y, I have hereunto set m.-t Eanwl and affixed tbe soel of City irath. ?'Py June, 1954*. • .:mmiaeW:bo certil'u. that Ono forbyoinm is a ful%-.. and. CC7f-re.t.,-, 07 ,.......'eaaJEE.E3 LTD OEUE!... FELOYE.:MZ. o.mbrun. .),..?.`avIE.f..).0 MULES E.JD Ontrodored am0. abroted. by the Coubril on. the 1.5th d.ny or Juno, 1.e5F4b '