Resolution 04952APPOINTING. SEVEN MYHERS OF .7",7.TISORY HEALTH PC,ARD OF THE CITY OF' ALAMEDA EE IT RESCINED 3Y TAE CCUNCII. OF TEE CITY OF' ALAYEL.A. that th7 followLng nr,7:71 .,:7,77cons bo, and thny are oTpined as mombars of tne A,2,visory Health Board of the, City of Alame,R, to ser9n for the t7rr,,s s,pt opposite th71,7 respect17 n7,716.s, or 1.17,til. 71,717 711ccess,D are p-77..intnY..i and. Ere gfaalifAd, J OSEPF MARRIOTT, S71.7 1. 195.'1, tn an6. Sane 300 1.9,5 CARL H. ElY,RT,riG, M.D., from In/7 a, 1954, and ,,,,,77,11.0,4g Jen7 90, „1:757!, ▪ „,„ ASHUCKIAN, D.D.S., - from July I, 1954, to and tnelu,iln7, June 30, 1956; STANLEY D. WHITNEY,' from. july I, 1954, 't„e, !and. including Se.n..e 30, 19.5- S.ERITEST VAY! AITLEN, fram July I, 195.14, to and. ine2.777,ing Tulle 3C. 19F„',6 • NP.S. 17INIPRED CLERK, from July I, 19511, te and. in7luding June 90, 1956; MRS. E. R. SAI,DEES, fram July I, 1994, to and.. including Se.ne 90, 1955. I, the und....,,Aigned, h,,,r7by certify that the for$7oins hesolution. was ...Wig arid regelarly introdfuced and adopted by the Coneil. of tb..e City of Alam7da in a...371°,77177d. rogular eseeft7f7, on the 29th d.ay of' Jufl7, 1.9514, by the f771.10T.,,dng vote, to wit: A71.72: Coen7117,7on Jones, McCall, Moresi and. President S7es,n,7y,. (97. 'Nonce, Al.„73,,NT:, Councilman i,,.nderson, (I). IY '71ITNESS WHD.,..,,OP, I 1,1,17e hereunto set my hand. and affixed. the officia. sesl. of r,eald 771(ty th-is day of ,P.,7„7..e, 19917 =PLEY T7,=. Cl 77 91777 of the City of Ala:.,7,'.eda I hereby. certify thf.,t the fox-egoin is a fuil, true 7.n.d. copy of "Rer:;.oTetion APPCINTITC SE7JEN• ITT:3ER,', OF YY'rISCE-Y, 9999TH 7,077,t7C.7 ',Till CITY C9' AL.,,,J,,,EDA", introdued. a:ad adopted by 17.1in Council on the 29th day of June, i9511, .77-7 City- of 1.77c7a1.7