Resolution 04954) RESCLUTIC7 ITO, 4954 R2sa.(..,TcTrop- oF -QtTETTrittatr 7/...:TTLTTON THAT POITT att Olt VAN BUltf...T.,i" .Trlittr.TO (:TtittiT ITOTITIT FTETOTTT T THE (OF Ols 41'..IESS,H,„ 1T,2,SOLTITD THE CO7N'TIE CH' THI's SITsv OP SoZT,S",S,A tissIt ioteolo'• sc- solssos, and Coussof.1 1,o_eby to orOsos, tne vsos_tloo and cLosoF, ef costrsmin 7,07stcor, or .JAn Straot, taa Clory P7,,syo6a, Ccssn's: of A7nrsia, ;Shot- dos..ols1LaJ oo follossg: n' to- clor',oessso.,,H ::,OrAUr intoo.00tis.s, Sroccot ,as s,och stisoots Dro -,oested 1.-Soe 1,..fisn of Tcy,sr of Ale.reda PHOis,sonS 1.9nds“ sosr-oss.L.Yoe ty 7c0"""PCF, A. roo'Hs.s.SS.,:d $optsmber 1H.2OH7, Ln BooS: 5 cf "Zaps, at Peoos 16, "on t'ss. isioasle0 O:000ty poSlst ,sosall tho 'HTTST sSo„sso-,-,-„Ssio aas'osr.os OcurSlars- ]!;oo o' 50-or sits,,st to slcHo -srsot liso scsooS,S,..ori dis)11c, t'ho wsost ssoopoity 1",..110 of Coocot .sotocot „--sxH,ends,si SO fe.'t ocroperty of Co.roo. Sto'sotr. Isosio-pOoy propss,c,...cy s...1H.sls, of 'rso, sisvon fists,e,st 'oO„:„O.C5 fccu to tO,c, soasters, prcpeltoy Ess,co..! L;t1,,,st; -2°.T.C.;7CE si3-S'srlsc 'Closoo. oosporoC,:o lino, or noc.r),J1 StooscsS foe's, -.so THCfNT .coos!HO,o, tO,as porto,„os, of a,,o!,..S. ...Ss,00t to 'so vsestoo. sno.S. .oloss,s, tT,,, t:etTIO,s ct,t Tt„T 7Pcso.„1.2.. oicsosos ssooisin 'Ittr„„) ",-',YR21:1t2 TTn '7:Isl. of To-on of Alsocosas Issros..s, H:;snioc,mcoo 1+2,6r, Isop onofovo'3 T"Tt, ocrposo of tT:PT-, soo', opooss.,,„ fiS.sd u!,'Sico of siso oi' rs,,,rOssd eons ?s,,S, SonsOss r,s1.-or,,os. -Ho f'so to tOs, 7otitT'sT TrcatTTT. R2SOLVID, ISURTHHSP, thst S.S.He 20t'a c)f July, 1,,54„ at Co..!.00 o,elock P. T.. of sead in. the COUACII, lOrie ScSITY 14ALis, st the northvssst oorror of Sante Clars are, Onlo s.nd. so..c.so is he...,eby Soterests,d. .S.,n or objectino to 7ssorosod. vosatl.osr...„ thsiss the S,closo's Clor% of' osToy lo t'oss or coososnoes os ths (O,orcy tOlosvods, tSlo A7sr.Hs.do., C._CfOloT. ncososios,p,scs, of goisolosi. circuirAiD..?„. scoSoll...Oss...d cold oirool.stod :1st Clty, P.nd ',Soo oficisO.S roswsoapPr ts,ccreof. socissoo, tost, tho SioSty Cle-ok of thn sof: io losooss'sy. ttLIY.:tettt 7C post, or. saaoc to post, cos Sos CCaaL)1C,C.i..00.31Y Eaarl THIT,TOTT,Titt.t.„ Stos..T, oTo 3f ,t ,Snlifoxsoie. Chaptor S.H.o..stotos co, 19L.11.), smends'.,(5. 257 NYylohrned heytilito re0tiNg e2seribie0 co. the 29th doe' of jeers, ATfoh, ths folfrioA± ette5 ts wAt AYEE!, COUXICieleqeDD. Jonnhs, idohesi And Ereideitt SthYoney, (4i) NOES AE.310727 Conhe iNman n(de o on, Cd NiTrEESii YTHEtnENT, novn 'y,eyounto ee ',lee finft sffixiC the effAcisi.. of said. City tOist 30th day of juneo 195'ON (Sfeti,'; EREININifi: Tie 'EFileYdr:ETh Ci • Cirld of ten City of ele0=Indli I hnroby thot the fosTyyr,iin:d is a tinys al.ie correct cope of qReoYht`,en Fo tieh,(n.noetAy nh, hieeoettov oo n-otssh Trt.T! T'Tee,""P PcnYnsynN OF VAN EUREN STREE1 .EifiOiSU LnI) TNOTETD samiT5 IT1 OF ALO[EhA', intrehuseN Reeei ener,ton be• the CounAin. or, the 29tS. oi June, 1.954,, eeekt,e.—t:fiel.e,:Zcee,,,reefe,1 elet