Resolution 04957RESCEUTION 4957 FRO'S:SUING ga6. TH.Ss AEOTTT PPR DIEH FOR OFFICERS. AND BBrIsDISEES OF' THE 'BIBB 7 SkispEDA 7CE. TRAVELING EXPaBEE As, A 'WEEaSS:AB, Section 22-7 of the Chtsstess of the City of 10Ausstda rsprensss tBAS tbp Counpia annpally fix. the per diem. allownnpe fAsr trAvelin expenses of officrs enlossess of! the City.; NOW THE.Bh&ORE, BE IT EIS,TiSB,TED TS: THE COBINCIL 07 BITFS CBTSS 0? ALSTESSA ap follows: (1..) Any office's. or emplee of the City who shall, undpr the authority ssf law and, ts.pApt for rontissp duties, on suthp)ri7stion. of the Conril, isexe the Cltsy for th.e. purpose of performing any' official duty or rendering any serplce foT or on beheJf of tbp Citp, or for the purpose of officialhs• representinF enid. City ors s.sass• board, cossAlssion or dectuhtrent haes'ecf, shfcla, bA th.ss trpsstling eyTenses incident to said sorvin, which trsvelins7 expnsIss, stmil lncialde the actnel. cost of transportstion, Including Pullman. chrssc, plus. a SS:Loss Allownce in sAn '.,IBtstst not to sxcees 122050 ter do.y. for etth ,Dnd. nvey day vsnile salsa officer Or' enTasyPe is Pbsent on snsh, officini busf_ness; (2) Demands for paymsnt of trnhriSits eATenssss for whlon. prior apthorlzation of the Counia is required shall npt exeed the aAtnunt snpsnopristh or Autbovisd Isy• the Counpil; (3) Performance of dptioo or cervices for or on bsbsslf of tht Clty, to be sforme.,a outsi.dp of thP City in conns,ction. withs poutipp Buties, need. not nave been previously apthor.ized shs CnuncASS; honnver, travelinss sxponsss BppuBss0... in cchrpctisn witls tihs pepfsphance of sash routine dntips or nersicnt shall be allowed onSsi wnpn. such performanpe wAp anthprizeh or Approved. bT• the ".'rear.1. of tte departmpnt or ofsicp jr. AsPlcer 0, emcispe isssS.pg apssasad. thshsTsr is spBisTd. The term "routine dpties", Pcsd ntnein, shall. be deemed to incisJp performsnce of ,Sutles or servlIpes coAscted eAtP hS,..sny• nnsIness, the npeessity for tht perferh:s.pe of vBich. arlsses 'Arcm h'shp to sAmp, sithonAh tne sahe Mar' npt be of n. nerSodichaSdp•• or reBularST recurrh'nt netpre, 5nd F'LP.171. 'snclnSs. shsphsants PA csssees Por tne purposP of insteection ;Bs trsinAnA in city wor's-„, sttsutstsce at occassAonal of othsn stss offinSols or pmrlay,l, or nubSc sdAlpAstrttir. ofBicsT Spld for the nssAseho of hisonssBen. ass.S. scissIpss pf osass,inistratipp. s.Ssich. the City is concernnds (B) Dessarpfs Cer travelSnh essssrpAs &Ass, Bs sxnAnnj.tnsocs sotnstA7 nrcurns.i, Be vnisporte,B tp 9 staS..es,s1sS SP.s oBISSersr sn emplo,sce phostn- Bnh ssise snonS.AA ePe nscnhe snd sTopurst nf the itehs Of sAntuStnrs its,,srlsras hsc basis Snerssf, snd sAth. ',sus:S.:cps or ncfsf sh ,nspAhlinusts ss snshi Bs stspishAsS ,:bt Council Dr the susSItcr„. Bs:SAAB:An, ,AMS,PHASS, thst hnis nessiptSA shald be lp effect tPa tissApd I, Stsc unAsh.,.BrApS, nAshh,/, osnShisy tApt the ,i,AsBencrhs Restiutlon wss sit)1.T. PrO rcsnAsrly r.rtrOOrrrOO sdPnteB th she nonncS1 nht A.1r1-..""iOr. rrs,paar CO hf JtYABs, 'BY CBS,ABBissn. BoBat ,sirsn, ABBBSNT:; 35onc,, IN WITI.SESS WZT.,,Rh hasp Bsneunto set my Annd anJ. affstd. She sesi pf hs1s3 Btth :Stets Btn. d • tf SBSS's,. 777777,;77 n'ssisSSA