Resolution 04985PESOLUTIO' NB. a9F5 CONSEFEITNt),, TO SUEBEASE TO ENCENAI TERrINALS, A CORPORATTOlt, OE nEal PROPERTY HELD UNDER LEASE EE'T:FE.PalE CITY OF' ALAMEDA. AND TODD SHIPYAFDS CDEPOE1TIOT, A GORPOEATIONt WEE32.13, by Resolution. NG. 3939, passeJ. rJbrdapy 1, 19.49, the City of AlaarJa consented to tha aasignmart by Todd PaolEic SElpyanj!_s Conworation to Tat SPEpydrWs Corppratlon of that ant:to:in. lease of read. pwcpandin mada the -Int day of September, 1946, br and between. tae. City cf Ala7wda, az Lassor, and United EngUnnering homparyh corporation, aw Lessee, end ahapqnantly sublot by adld Lwaane to Todd Pacific Shipyards Oorpwrat.low, as authdrizad by thp Councli,a Renolution No. 3705, adopted Yay 4, 1E11...6; and WHEREAS, said Todd SPlpyaJda dorporatlow has redpested thp ponsort of the Cita, to the sublwptina to Enpinal. Tarminalw of a portion of the jpaJed premises, descrfital as That nerbain. warehouse building, oantainin,p„ approximately 4.0,6442 spalaa feet, iapre or leAs, and.. known as Waehouae No. 3; WOW THEREFORE, 'BE IT FESO)OVED EV TUT: COUNCIL OF' THE Calfa OF ALANA. that said Alty of Alanpda. does hereby- consent to the sublJtaing of thp hreinJefore desowihed portion of the leased. premiJes by Todd Shipy.auds CorporatiJn. to Ejeinal Terminals; and BE IT FUETHEH RESOLVED thal the Mayor of the Clty of Alar-.Jda. be, anJ. he ls hereby authorizwd and. directed to exnante, Rrd the City Clerk• to attest,•thJ consent of. the Clay- to st?Ed sublease,. * * * * * * * * * I, the ualdersipned, ceatLfy talwat the fonegotn7 ResoldtJand wava dwly and regulanLy intrJducnd and. adJpted by the CouJwil of nhP City. of Alnmedj.. in mJetIng asdanJled. on the 7th day of OwptemjJr, 195)4, by. the folAowina-„ vote, tc wEt: '2odtatlEa.),1 Ander,lot, lonoa, Ecroai awd Pansinena .Aweene7, NOES: ABSEMT: None. IN N'TTNE)'N WHEFEO,E, T. have hereunto set my hawd awn. affixaJ. the officiat seal of sald City thEJ 8tn. dap, of Septeracer, 195;4, SHERLY TEUTFE. d A City Clerk of thn Oily,' of Alameda hereby ant-lily at tP0 forn.,,.alna is a fall, tnac anw cortJat coJy of "Aesoltticn ao.t9dy, tOU;AA,la2l'd,O TO SUUTFEEPdAd. Ed0114AP AOFFWVETA0d. PH F',EAF ItlOPAHAt FELE, WEL LEAnF Ol?EET OLTav AJAEOA AjlO EFIPEAFJ,S ACEPOnAT7CA, A coTcpcaA-270-4," introdased adopLen tho Connell on Ewe da7 nf Septdcabew, IgYa.