Resolution 049860.93 KESOlIFIDTA. NC. )4.966, ADOPTING SPEKISKICATIONS, PROVISIONS AND PLANE (REVISET) FOR CCNSTIANNTION OF CLUB HOUSE AT LINCOLN PLIK AND REST' ROOMS AND STOthtGE BUFIRREND YNNSI PAPF, CALLING FOR WKERRAS, Sneoifications, Provisions and. Plans (Rovisket) for the construction of 8. Club House at Linnoin Park and Rest hoond and Storage Bailaine at Rrnsl Park hey been orehared, numbered RR 9-54-20 and fiDd. in the office of the Nity. Clerk on September' 1, 1954K NOW TIENIFIThtt, RE IT PEZCI.VED Fee THE CRUNCIL, OF FRE OITI OF' ATANIgkA that. the aforesaid. Speeifinations, Provisions and. Plans, rnpfoonte and f,led as aforesaid, be, are the same arh herkasy appunved and. adapted. RERKOLKED, TURTRER, thnt the performanbe and completion. of thu work specified in. said. Kpecifinations and Provisions be, and the sane is hereby' adtherIked, ENEODVED, FURNTER, taKit tn..? Cour:oil of the City of Alumnae. t.,fInkt sealed bTds an, to the hoar of 6:0K d,cloch P. 'YR on TTERK..).6Re, OTTTDFER. R, 1954, Kea' the furnIseIng to the City of Alk.m.eaa of aNk labor, materials, maaklnerg, tools ann. equipment necessary for the diork nereinabove referred top in kccordanke wata said Specificationo, Phavisions and Plana. Rids mnat be presented to thn City Cb.inusk, In the Kity Nall, in Alameda, Californla, under sealed. ookar and plainly marknd on the outside "Proposal for Construction of Club House at Lindoln Park and Rest Rooms and Storatte. Baildink at Paths', or similar dDsigration- tontraet, if awarded, wRii be awarded sabject to tnn nravioions of the Nnerter of the City of Alameda, to tbb responRlidle bidnnr who sabrbitz the. lowest and. best 'Enid,. The right is veserved to reject any or all bids. Said Specificationn ana Plans may be aad oy any brospective 0j.d,::''er on makinke applicatIon for sone tothe City- Clerk, at her offIce in the City Hall, Alkanda California. Teo Cigy diddk is kereDe llsected La aodarkiso, Tires-Esau a nalrne eeliDolk Sbn- sealej bind, In aceordaned tUtt t'do r,V,-...Vi7i0P of kr-Is resoirtior and of stia Soecifloadiens anl fedgisiond. I, the undersigned, hordby eektify that the forekDing Resolution. was Suit- . and Fekalanly introduced. and. adopted. by thsk Gounell of the City of. Alkskede tn regular e)etirrs, assembled. on the 7th day of Sedteufeer, 1.954, by. tee ficloaind, vote, to wit: ARES: Councilman. Andtkeson, Jones, MkKa.11., Noresa. and Prou:',dent Sweeney, NOES: None. ASSENT: None. IN WITNAEkR WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat Res tknd and kffixod the official sea,1 of said. City thid eth dnw. of Se.ptem.ber, 19.54 SHIRLEY H. TENNIEh Cltk Clerw or the City I attrebsacertify that. the, foregoing is a. falti, true and cur....rect eo...r.). of "ResolkItion No. 49d6, ADOPTINN SPECI"TICAIFtODS, PROKtST.DNE feRD FLANS KREVISKAD) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CLUB. ROUSE AT' LINCOLN PARK ATND RESK ROOMS STORADE RITIRING AT KRUST PARK, CAROLING ROB SIDS AND DIRECTING. CITY CLDFN DT ADVERTISE SAME," introdaned asnd adopted. by tfte Keencil. on the 7th. day. of September, 1"Kt,h. Cit7 Cierk