Resolution 04987RhZOLCTIOI YO. it9n7 APPROHING, DI"ISlOW ON' SAN HRA.,4taisCC CVAh fOIL ChOSSINCS PIAN OF H2O"IST:IOW OF OI"hT OD hP.T. FOR so7;7aEawf CHOSSI"O HNC) ASIDY: AND t."ESER"TYQ OT'..ETAIN TiliJSTCNAIHD IAIDS HNDWO TI,I JUH.ISDIT,TIOH OP' Tfa: CITT 07 AIANEDA "Ch TIT"'PE HCQIIISITTPH STHTF CT CATIFC"Ni/. "'Oa W=HHAS, the Ddvfsion of San 7wancisco Bay Toil Crossings has succitted, for the approval of the City of Alameda, ito Drawing No. P-2099-2813, entitled "Southern Crossing - Trwnshwy Sectipn Rivhf of tray Acquisition" indicating thereon property under the jurisdiction of the City of Alameda which. will be reohied for Right of W.f,7 for the Soutbprn Crossal and WHEREAS, the aforementioned agehoy has reqpwsted thwt the desiwpated property described. in. the aforerlentl.oned 'Drawing be reserved. for futoxe acpwisition by the Statp of Owlifecnia for State hiffhmow purposed, -- 111 of the City will be served by thw gcantino of suoh rephost..; NOW asIchwc&FLE, tql; IT HESOLVED BY THIS COUNCIL CI" THE CITY 07 ALATTIDA., tbwt it does hereby approve the plan of 8.,spaisition of lands andor thp juriadition of thw City of Alwmoda as detailed Ln "Cop afecementiwnwal Drawing for the purpose designated. on said Drawing, and. doers set awido and. resery said. lwnds for thp future acquisition. by thw State of California for Statw highwasp purposes -- such. -:-.isplaraval and reservstion. to be -.harthpr evidenced by the siwninh of said Drawing. by the menbers of this Ccurwil. I, tnp w.persiEwpd, herwhy oewtify Phat the forevoing Resolutlwo was duly. and Pogo:Jaw:1y 'iotrodued and. adopted by. flow Counc52. or the City. of Haamedw in reguivr meetinw wssembaoH on tfw 91st clay of Septeraber, 1954, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Counaimen Anderson, nones, McCall, Mbresi and President Sweeney, NOES: None. IlasENT: None„ IN' WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set mw botad and offixod thaw official seal. of said City- thls 22nd day of September, 19514- SHIRLEY H. TEN:N.1ER ofTnT(.7(A1 ty of Alameda * * 0.• * * * nnreby cerhiary tfat tWf foresoinv is a fzi7.191„ trtY and cpc.cect copy of 'Eosoluticn NJ. 4987, HPfH0.711HO DICLHIOP 05 ..AA YRAN9ISSfit4tr TOTtit CPOSS]flJS PLAN OF {,ITflOH CT Of' 'OAT TY)F1 3097-nr.an.! CoOSSICIC AT" SFITTh" CFEDT CEar5A19 DESIG:IHTET "7,1: jURTSDIHCCOH ff "TI: CITY. Of' ALAHOOH CCP HTPIcsE: ACHTISTSTO" II IHIC ""Al"c OF S _ATH LICHTHHI P.THT'OHPH," .-.,,,hrpaopea and aduffa by tfo Wows:oil or tlie 21sc dao cf Sencarfav, 1," "s. / 7,4.421a. • 1:41s.2ah-fal„--is.... ' City Cies-Skil cow City. cf A."ameda • i WI