Resolution 04992RESOLUTIOF 4M9E PROTESTING THE LOCATION- OF THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF METROPOLITAN OAKLAND ITIELERNATEOWAL AIRPORT AND REUEL:EU:AG THE PORT OF OAKLAND TO 'RECONSIDER THE PLAFE,LIEM AND 'LOCATION OF TEAT' PROJECT IN. THE LIGET OF FEW PESLIC JEFARFES.P. WHEREAS, The Port of Onibland recently' aRpted a DEVIECOPEE PLAN FOR EHE 'METROPOLITAN. OAKLAND INEFRNATIONAL AITORCE'" welh contempflates an expansion. of'. the existing airport to includr certain tidolanda -cinder control of the City of Alameda, ann. certain. privately owned tidelando in the Citm of Alameda, the prupeTty of RtaM. ConstguEtton Company, adjacent to Bay FarM ISlanA and. portigow of tbe hlgte lands of Bay Umrm Island; and. WHEREAS, The Part of Oakland l'AP.g instituted proceedings to condemw said. orepecty of Utah Construction. Company and has filed vitn. tRe Coftes of Engineers, Rnited. States Arm,y, its application for a. peemit to perform dmedmiRm and. fillirg operations in. fRrtherance of its expansion plan, indicating in said. applicatEfn that it procoses to exRavate from said bmopexty of Ttr.h. Construction Company. Er and when corbdtxmouml., some 18,000,000 cubic yards of fill. material. for placement on. its proposed jet landing anR takeoff strips in tee Cfties of Oat:Fond. and AiRmedo; and. WALL :LEAS, 'line City. of Alo_ edg. did, in 1950, adopt a Master Pion for the development of Bay Farm Island, whimh. is a. pavt of tRe City of Alaeroda, and the property sought to be condemned. is embraced wilEgin said. EiRster Elan; RAJA WHEREAS, To Port of Oakland had knewledge of said Master Elam of Boy Farm. Island, being in. possession of a copy ttereof during the paanRing of the proposed. airport expansion, and chose to ignore said. NsEter in arAttving at its determination as to tha location of tRe proposed. expansion, with. the resnit that it is in dmastic interference and cenfilci witR sald Master Plan; and. WHEREAS, The Port of Oak:Lang, being fully aware of the fixed alignment of the Southorn Crossing between. Army Street in. San Frarwiswo and Ray Farm Islawd in. Alameda, nevertheless lanned And lucated its proposed expansion in sch. mawnor as to off:DP serieub Enterference witn the conseractien of the SoutheRn Crossing; 1...e., tho Southern Crossing, lg. its approach to Fay Farm island, pasoes rieht tereude tte centeo of tho Utah. property. wndch the Port is attemptIoRA to condemn; the removal.. of 18,000,000 cubic yards of fill from. tRio property will. leave nethEne but a. mo.moimoth hole Tn. the tifolamds,' creatIng difficult eningering problem.... and .tosatly RR:dancing tht cost of constructEunt; and EEELRAS, jof aufli..cE to ietetfec!no uitn cone-ruction of tto &outtern CrastionE ea afooestia, tto Arc-posed location of tbf paarcci oircansiun tf airpfrt EilL create a ftstloc Lazard to tne Sowthere Argssiwg Pnd tRe "JSOP2 theregR„ hy vRgtRa of tbo ',Ent tact, due to. tie 1)R Rifibbt anala AR moo ,Msts -,RRIRm off free: anf 0!'1. proneAse exnangeo gtrips, Cho planes Re passlelm di7Rumc.Ft ovRr 12. olaa of tho RsbtRgrn dnuessWne at s farmetmumXAR low levattog; ard LifhgAS„ Tce EtaE CRnstruction Combany oropoRty sodcbt to be condecmeb:, is a vitud part oF an axle trRc: Epon e, -.1eh ice ComoRRv Lae complete,. A]ab cox a EFO,C0C,000 momerr reeldential eammunicn in oRnffrejty u:Ixtm the Fasocr :Mac Fagn TelanE a2brexanCioned, whiwe mcbtlfi groat:my effil. to tUR City,f tar- ease moict Ras been cot to tRe bY reason oR the l'act that Lc),„ or more ef of tem c.Ity is doub or fontrogiom by tRo Fedcosi ang :Was frO/r, taxacioE UY the City; and WeEtwAS, Rondemb,tion T+J-1, rrOT;r:r-%, eEtractign tcereffom of 19,0co,(),K) yor,...:s of fidl materia_ will Lasne said drogerti cafiL fon rAx:fertfai Or utter Rev-glop-1.pol; Rbs nottiareer tue r.,POL).0s,i0 INprCr.,Cnt OC the balanct oR the R4..7 b goLdings on ;my Tsland, togfelmy ccroiev a serioRR awd Ribbit RoRs,xrabdo impact 1,17•D=7, ,:).nOr.r, Of LIR.= e me A to me ; med. 'gtFAXAS, Ong Elan for tne dEonosej sAbarsior eV a'ERTAnd, Nos redo arm' 6e,ormiret urgn With.0117 cRnsu'Jtabibb Nty Of' Ad.'avede conc stx.'re tbe effect of tbw tTf Liao CIty,s plant:IRE, economy ans otgef inogrestc Rwn was, on tRe contrary, aroAcrar:lx Renceived and seteRminee noon; and WWEREAS, tne proposed emEansien. of ths afore:mentioned airport is not planned. nr lecbted. in. the menmer wblcb wild be most compatible with the readc-os public good, it beinRe the belief of ths City of Alameda, based. on sound engineering opiniwn, tbat the proposed exporsion of ;said. ,Irbert cobld be,:,.-:Epdanned and relocated without detriRent to tne utilitarian. yaTtoes of the expansion Owl.C3. mneat benefit to tte ClAtt of Alameda.; Tya THEREPOBER aE IT RESOLYED FeD THE CU:TROLL OF' THE CITY aP ALANEDA that it most v142,DrcusIDy Drote8ts the action of the Port of 0a2dand. in. aiRoitraTily seeking condermatien aend .ielAnatihn of the hereinbefore mention:ed. yeeopeRt7 within ttle City of Alameda, and regDests said PoRt of Oakland to redesign. and. relocate the propooed. expansion of its airport in sucii manner as to eliminate the obje,-ODI.ons of the heity of. ARameda thereto, as hey:etc:fore set forth, and. 5E IT FURTHER DEZOLDIED that th..e City lhanae,.er of 'the City of Alameda he and he is hereby authorized and. directed. to file with th..e Corps of Engineers, United States Army, the Cityls written. protee,t to the granting of the dTedging permit applied for by the, Port of Oakland, to request the Corps of Enaineers, United States Arm7, to a 1)abile hearing in the attr, and. to take alla such. feTther steps and proceehtings ae-A may be deemed necessahy to prevent tRe gaanting of said. permit; and BE IT '221.227.TTR RESOLDEO THRD COPIDS OF' THIS D.e9olati...or. be sent to th:e Governor and Lieut. GOVerfl.Or of th.e State of California, to the State Di:Rector of PhDoletc. WOr:kA, California Commandant 12th qa-val Dlstrict, Commandant Alameda. Naval Air Station, Membora of tha State :Legislature in. the Eay Ahea counties and. to the of ail cities in the State having an. interest in. this yatter. * * * * * * a * a a I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoin 2.esointi.en was duly and. reguAarly introduced. adopted by tte Council. of the City af Ln. reFular meeting aosembaed. on the 21st daj of SeptemIery -.1)95(E, by the followin vote, to Ccinellhen AneDeon, Renes, TDoCall, 2(oresi a.D21 PResdent Svocncy, NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS heiE2ECT, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed. the offliPi aeal of Said City ttele:: 22nd. da.y of Septenber, 195)4- F.:HEEL:Ey. (). TY:RN:LER City-cierck of tt:e. Cit of--5,Tamcoi; * a * * * a * * * I hereby certify that the fore7olng is a full, thhe and. correct copy. of' "Resoltion No. 49.92, 'PROTESTING THE LOCATION DF TEE PROPOSED E=ANsIow CT' TRETROPOLDTAN ORIDIRDND LTRDOeNATIONAL AIRPORT AND .,..DY:,..!...C2DEE2-522DO TE2 FORD' OF OAKLAND TO RE:CONSIDER THE PLA1:::22ING AND LOCATION 07 DELT PDOJECT TTE LIGHT ar.) TEE: ruEEic INTEREZT, introduced. a..nd a6opted by the Council. on the 21st day of Schotember, T „DIRZ-ReezoLY.'2,5,-.1 22 C4 ty. C.I4hlit 0:2 tDe (Aty Aland.,9