Resolution 04993201 NWSOLMNION NO ASTO.ORIZIANO AtricrtUAOLet, NW NdeMmtmd Ow. TIMM MONNCiff 05N.MENTRS AIN) EMMPINN1.NTES 05' '..tHif OTI'M .A.L.A.MEDM AT fHE ANNUM.L CONNEMENGE OF MbE IMANITE OF CALIPORNMA NNTMNN TO PO HELD MI LOS ANGELES, AND AMNNOPNT4T-TeNdM NtwfmMN.S, The Fiffmm3fmth Annual ConfercNtm. of the Leamme of California Cities will be Meld at Los Anmmles, California, on. 'October 17, 10, 19, and. 20, Meat; WHEREAS, tbe Nonmeil deems it necensNmy and. mnoper and for the benefit of thm. City of P.lareeda thnt mcmfmerN of the City Council. ond. other officers mnd employees of thm Clty of Alammdm otmil ntfend maid conference; Nag TNENEFORE. NE ifr PESONVED NY THE COUNCIL NT' 'INJE WITM A.L.HAEDA that. the membems of the Clty Council F.m.d other officer's of the City of Alameda, and. such employees am mmm be desimmeted bm htmm12 of the severall. deTartmients of the City, be and. the sNme are, E nd eNch. of tham is Neretmt authorized to al...tend said Pmfaumfl Confewence tbe Lead:Ne of CeMlifmrnia Cities at Los nEEE S BE IN' WIMWMWM2 NE.SOINIE.4 that the mum. of 800 .00 be , and e a amm is hereby, amm-mtDmMitated. from. the Conferences and C0borentions accounts of the offices and. neNaNtmento scndinm ImpreNermatives to 8 aid. Monfemence, fon the Nummnde of m,mminm the exponses of above emmmematfed me:moons who may attend said. bonfefenem. ttim nrdewdbmnme, tnreby Nertlfm- thnt tWe forewoing nEsmiNtion was duly an,d re9,altaidity in,trodum,,,,d and adopted,. 1,dm Mae Counci MI.., City 0 in remuleer meetinm ast.mmbled. on the 5th Day of October, 195N, by' the following vote, to wit! AYES C o umm i imam A:riders on , Wore s an.. President S meeney t ) NUNN: None. AIMNIINTIM C dne lman Jones, 41). IN MI TY,F2S W.U.N.E.OF, I have htmdefmMo sot my M.:and. and. ttie official seal of said. City. thls 6th d ay of October, 1954. Oatt c. cr „o tei 1. hereby certify- Mdat the forema.Inm is a .H1i1L, tnUn Nnd correct comy of "Fesolution No. 4.'..)93.. ATTTa3RITI7G ATTEND.f...110E 3F' .1=MBTli.S CT' THE COUNCIL, OFNI.C.M.S AND RIHTLoTHEs G.H THE CifiNf A.I.M.M.M.DA MME ANNUAL GONFMNENN.t 0.17 MEM MMI/MUN CNN MMI-Mm-NNTWN-m. MbITIES 'TO ME NEIN) .Per LON MNEN......I.ES, AND APPINNPRI.MMING FUNDS NHENNINCIMb. imbadmademd atm. adopted by- the Connell on line COM. dette crit Oc to oer, 195.