Resolution 04994PISTE-71DM RD. OR9H APPOINTING DEPUTY kl I DELLICE i AITIONciRts2nmrTG THE: COMBINING- CNN "IEEE PCS IONE CR SENIOR S TEEM a GRATHEREELFEK AND DEPUTY CILIS CLELE. AND THE HOLDI THERIECIE BY TETE SAPTI PERSON AND ENTITLING SANE AS "SENIOR STENEGIIALEEREDERNTY CITY CLERK, ANC REnCINDING REEOLUTIONS cp.1,4-FLIcT HILEMITH. c REGOLIED JEN EFT; CHINCI L Oti"P HE C FEND OP ALAMEDA that Irma Ne is on be , and s ilk is raessabyv atass, int ed Depute," C ity D le ch. of the C ity of Alameda, to ac t as such T,fi. th.OU C. UMW, inh L1 RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the pc sit' one:, of Senior t e cogs apite r EC les It ariCt Deputy City. Clerk, tee office of the City Cihrte, may be comelems and the e 'POTS 0' b 1' :so s 1 t iron s, ced Slur t seld Herb Teed pc si elywris shall be en„_ t le it, SELL err S aPhOr -Deputy Ci ty leek" ar, i resolutions, or .Q0 rti or-112 eerhee o soft) met only, Le rs by he so:Misled end succulle d. , the useriace Dries , IDLE er My stultify Licat •t he E ore •.to MLR Rte.° ti on sees duly c.nc r?ke...1E1-1y intro duc sold corset ed tics c cronyMI or the C Eters/ 0 f A :Layne ete :F.'. ,-",'"th d. e our October., the thr] 1 ben,' o o Le t jrai,„rle Ss_„, Ipso al 1, tiara:3i rrEd Pee s cent Sweeney-, k NONCE> A LISEYN' C mane issue Tone S „ TEDDISEISG eiseritrom. T hero hereunto set mry iscreter and s L•A:se d the oh Pis Lc 1 teal of a aid City th th rrj ay of Do ',umber 1FOrt. TEE— City r. kern rrr * .t° err I nereLy certify GLEN the Cosh&ping is c full, true and. correct toby of "Pe so hotti cut No . PEPOI NT CNII DEPUTE C ITY CLETE ; AIPTHittill NC. THIrr, GONEJNIING OF THE PCS CENNER EITENTOGRAPHILD. CLERK AND EPTINEY CNETIT CHEEK A LE IDLE HOLIFILI TEE, EROS' ENE TEE ihrt FED PO Irr AND PINT I TIEING SANE AS TOSSTIES STE,P.P.r-NRATEHERGIONENTY CHEN ClESIED tirrhl :REDO INDIEEL INEGOLETI (INS IN ri OAF LI C OE LEPINTHEI intr c duo e C. and adopts d. by the G ettatel