Resolution 04995dt1.5301h: ;71 tdd 'des 'Fhb
1d-1,-1td-1`.1, feet) thc cori red echor.h...hd hodcr thy te: ec 7; cud
nch.he, C.h.125-5. h.: .Y1 ced hul Ldorroic, h
Tbd 13 _n tsfee s tern one fit. e " o retoo3 d s lottoto cdet eto iftet :31 c
Aujdhenc ro thh dcohn oh C:neduel, Airuhedh county, 5...5.U)Srchrn1d, hiiee
.1.57 dd, 19,67 An ScoL 19 of Khnd, crse 555, :h iddu oddich oh tbh Cdubt
r!F Gl'Oer C,=3: A lacrechd .5.. al Ur, dee-eh:I L th5 d oc:c
did. 1 S,5, d'ech d(52. 19sch.,...d1C55),
had. -been de.dcdshd '.21P t PO fur c 555; bethcch he c h fidhel chu 2 9S.: -1955 end
asb 2.55 die,. the re ou in 5 he 312.: .72 hh„Lei:5 cscs did ..d.. 15,ad cchn. r i.
b9555-nee 22d-I .02 7,-!°,7U:i "1E drrd 5111 e end 5.5chph-.1C h
1SeddOSSAS, uhter the: tirde c did became h 115.-n S rer.".] -Pr'PC'rtY,
; dehhuh t , ds.„1 r 53e 1 pr.'. hcedid. dth s , by Dce re e dhee d hhe es
of h C cur, t7r o ors:es, of 15 tddre Courrhy on Adduct di V SU, 215 Sherd: 1S5. Ohricid.
Records, d 142,, c cud re nd :hoer hub hd lc run, ct 'en e te„t the 0 te,t
of .4..1 duriedh, end hes oe &chi now id hod ru us de for 55-ohlic b hero , ace heed.), se oh
.53,:ded bhdeldich cedhohchdh not sub d ale f dhlinerthent the/due;
the writ ten consent. or the City At torney atiche d fed :berth 5a 1.I. undo I. le shed s
hohd-s1.1hd .12: hoi. d el td1: rsurpo e s uhch. the Lidos d s c5 real she ruedUs2555, t o
den 511 :151 e dud. costs thereon, be , and the r ame are hereby , c a-ncelled, arse th.e :Auditor
.ye tide C thy or AS amed.d. arch core bd./ bath we c.nd, c.dich c t o 5.5 t C.9.11C e
t ,teetre, idiett,ir ceS-Oee r.i s OOKS n
3.2, Id: chL5Plihh .t7 ,?t in thid . -3e ruti on to the contrasts no he
withethrdinfz,, thdt thole reholutiun Pnd order seder I not be. coheir:rued ds oulacedlin5h,
0-2? [17.1t.h.0.rj...Z,I.D...: the thane lat lo dr , any. Eche 015,1 h s 5,.....dent s ch.: a In s said
real hro.nerty by the., SIAN. or .5.5.1.aned hhircad.nt; to he padovizions of the 9 Acquei. tion
and. 115,pr o chment Act 0
p o 5.515.5hek, 55155,5T A ttorney 01C tdde City of A 1 and; dbh S tat e of Callcrornic
do Core by consent to the c anc. el 1 a ti on of any arid 1. UriC .._y„ t. taxes and a. Se 3.11).erAS
ou nenditte hnd costd the:chid:n.5 c harced or levied dhcr city 1,:p ri t real
Op er T;y• 3CriOe O. in. the -.Lei thin reschoutiren„
s lewd. ..P. LASE.
152.2 r9252755
551.5. c ts, of 1215hrdui
* * ehedeh .tt
T., "(rho unders ledned., heuerhy certify 15 hut true fore:EQ-1 Ddrc &hal. on wad durt,h
5.51151. rs„..R.1510:55,5555 intro sc,55.5s, 6, an 55, cto tytce tt by the. (..; 01) t 11 0.1 the (3 Sty c2. .41 am da re.dc Abu
(nett:1 red; rt. et:: etebti e s 1 r: t he 51, ta O coy of tdetob er 199-1, n .1 251.5.chelhur vo te, to 5.51.52
Cd5cdS. ! ohne Anders on, !!:-Ice,:51.1.1.., rdodercel. end 'Pres" decht Sue rinsh-,
ASSEUT C C UPC leSdren Jone ( I )
1h Shi TUE hereunto set my. 1dd nd dnei. a f fixed .t de. h 1
e dd. ct id City thls Eth ddy of Getc1det, 1954,
'111117 11.11:311:1(1a
(1, ?..59.S.h.5,7 55. of .15 1.5.559 City of A....hide Ch.
I hereby. certify that tiad fored'oin 2. 171.1:1.1, t7UC and correct of
9R 5. c elm ti on No . ).4.995, KE52 Ehdr:O.C.5.15'..21S ACcIU ard ED .SS 71.21E.: 511dhe 'Pao
NdUNICIPAL T..)7111:10E'.7.0O2„ introduced and h6upted b.-5o thh Cos:Ls:di 1 on.. the 5th ddef df
October, 295)2