Resolution 04997303 RESLEUVICH NO- RA9d A:DOPE:INC LkECIFIMATION1) FOR MUMNIJIIHING ONE Aid.1, IATEST MODEL 8-CYLINDER, 4-DOOR SEDAN, TO THE CITY (IF ALA.M.211,6, ?OE 6.).M1EINJEMEMI, CEILIMIG FOIE :912:_jej_1")))1,1 JITILELI(LINIt CI'EM pyziffr. s Prom:M:1°6m for furmishirm one (I) new, lutest model 6-cylinder, Modner oedan, ee thm Catty o f Alameda, for the Health. Debartmmmt, No. MS 10-54-15, f 111Ad in. the reffine of Mho Ojtej Edell, on. October 5, 1954, be, eine'. ttm; same ane hereLy smpreved and. edopted. RESOLVED, INEdEER, that the Council of the, Mity of Alameda. wI1,1 receive sealed. bIdn up to time home cif 6:05 o'clock," P.M. on. Tuesday, October 26, 19E4, for thm furnioh?nm to tho City of sold. automobile, in acceremnee with. s Specificatienm emE. ProvlsidEA. Elam ems t he presented. to Mho City Cimrk, in the City Hall, Laameda, CaHlitormlo, under sealed. COVE,P and. plainly narked dn the outsiem, 6Fimmesal for Contract, if awarded, will be awarded. subject to thA phomisiAns of the °barter of e aid P ity, op the responsible bidder who submit s the 1 ewo s t and ho ot bid, Tto rlmbt in resemenE to rhject any. cr all bids. The city. ClArM is hereby. dimected to advertime, in the Alameda Time emStar, a naretese c aftErm f or sealed in a ecerdonce wite) the Leto si ens of teim. rompalutinn. anD) seld Specifications and. Provisions) . I, the undmrsimnmd, nehody certify thue tb9 foremp'ne Resolution was and regritarly- irtroduced app," cdepted by. 'she Cc:semen of tho Clty of Alons1A. In ree:altsm moe"."(L9H ands:Milne on t'se 9en. (aem ea' IdMhpner, Ay dne foilowiThe vote, Le wit: YAM: Mone. AMMERIM Councilmom Jones, (I). IN WITNESS MILeNki0T, I haym heredr(to set mm Mame) and. affimHd thm official.. seal of sold City this 6th day. of Oceeimnm City dhtert.): -cT.17 t I hereby eehtify tEst„ the foreme inn In a fpli, true and serrect eopm sd vRaeclutien lIo. 4997, ADOPTING. SEMCIFICATIOHE FOR FURNISHING CI)? HEW, ILAHEST MODE? -CYLI-NDER SATAN, TO TRH rr.a. OF ALAMMIDA, (VCR THE REMITM E:NEIRTFENT, CEILING TOR. RIME 4I15 DEVETEiNCI CITV" CATRK TO ALES:T.1MM? SAKE', 1rtroduced omd adopted. by thu Council. on the (1th. day of October, 19E6)