Resolution 04999MESOLUTION ND. Ci.)99 ADOPTING SPEGIFICATIOND FOR MERNEDFFND NHE CITY OF ALA'IPDA ENEARCED, CUT AND TPIMMED 721:cRafay,m ELA.cK ON 1,THIETE, OPILLIMA BIDS 11.1) SNEREGTINO: CITY CIAIRK INATERT TOE SAME PNBOLTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALIFSPDA thdt tbe Socrificatiorc and Propiions for furnichting to thw City of Alameda Andorged, cut and trimmed microfilm atdSOSSISOESS, tthite, 10-M.S-17„ filed th the Off5.00 Of the City Clerk Old October H, 19AP, re, and th,c dame are hereby. cloorovec and roopterm RESDLVEM, FacEEEP, tbat the Council of the City of' Alomeda will receive sealed bids odi to the hour of :0 ozclock P. F. on. Fccadam, October 26, 1951:, for endrared.c, tdMerming or sairi microfilm ciposorco, in ,,.ccardance with said Scpcifications ard ProvAsionc. dEda nrict be pre:seated. to the City Clerk, in tRe City MimmwdA, CadEcolmia, oflher awAled coioAc and. plainly nerhed or. thn outaide, "Proposal for Enlarging, damping cod. frApIming Microuimm Exposures", or similar daslaratMon. Contract, if am...dried, wiN1 Am Awamded mdbjert to thw provisions of the rm....cuter oc PAID tity, to Pho reamonairlo bidder plod crIdita the and. Dort bir,„ Tht":. City C Ch r.erery Circ. ctod to a Crectii, ce 3 t he A :U7,1r. eda s t ar c noFice CSfliha fah Seol.eS hidh accoro,arhe with the provisions of this resclutich arP. of said Specifications and. Froctsione. I, the undwodicned, hereby certify that the foremmls Resointlen mah duly and. redularim introduced. ant. started. rdp the CoDnciA Of the City of Aarmecr. In rem.lar meetioa assembied. op. the !';uh. mar of uotocer., 1C1r).4. br the foiThwina -vote, to iflu: , . . . IMES: Councilmen Inddrsoc, Morral roCti Pho-; Sdoehrry, .1011.S. AINSIN1.1. mmod 'jure, I true o EIIPPG., dil1,17,0s, haw.- here hitt Set, hi Mcnii and ailfd arE thd, oCichlal 01- ci p (MIN,/ D.E.! deto Dar o: dcrobor, c Ai an...chic T hereby certify thct thm foredoinF is o. full, true arh. correct ochry:Jr of' hF000lotIon. No. IMME, ADOPTING, SPECIFICIFEOES FOIE E,TI-ixDs:EI.:2-4.c TO FIE CITY OF AIMDANDA EDDIED-SD, CUT AND CP1T.1'...MED MICROFILM: EXPOSURES, E.N:E.GK ..PMFLAU, CALIT1D FOR H1DS AND ENRECTINO, CITI CLERK. TO ADVERTISE GAME", inIrod.uced and adopted by the Council on. the Atli. day of October, 195h-