Resolution 05014RESOLUTION NO. 5011.: APPROVINC. DIVISION OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY TOLL CROSSINGS PLU OF ACQUISITION .OF RIGHT O R WAY 3 0 3 OUTHERN CROSSINE AND SETTING. ASIDE AND RESERVING CERTAIf DESIGNATED LENDS UNDER THE ITHISDICTION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FMR FUTURE ACQUISITION BY THE STATE OF CATTIFORNIA FOR STATE HIGHWAY PURPOSES, (DRAWING P-2012-39) WEIREAS, the Division of San Francisco 1 Toll Crossings has submitted, for the approval of the City of Alameda, its Drawing P-2012-39, entitlef "Southern Crossing, Alameda Approach, Right of May Acquisition Sta. 117 to at 2.678, indicating therebn property under the jurisdiction of the City- of Alameda. which will be required I0 r right of way for the Southern Crossing; and WHIBEAS, the aforementioned. agency has requested that the property dbsig- nated in cross hatch in the aforementioned drawing be reserved. for future acquisition by the State of California for State highway 21 "p0 and the City Council of the City of Alameda has decided that the best interests of the City will bc served by ae granting of such request; NOM THEREFORE, BE 1 1 ESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OP TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA that it dbes hereby' approve the p1 an. of acquisition 01 lands undar 11 jurisdiction of the City of Alameda as detailed in Ili aforementioned &raving for the purpose designated on said drawing and does set aside amf reserve said lands for the future acquisition by the State of California for State highway purposes, such approval and reservation to be further evidenced. by. the signing of said drawing by tho members of this Council, I, tha o undersigned, hereby cortif7 tnet the forogoinm Besolutlou was duly stip regularly too 'o and adopted by the Council of the Gity of Alameda in regular meatinn assembled on the 7th day of Decenbor, 195)1),by the folloninf vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, McCall, Morosi ana President Sweeney, (E). NOES: Nom ABSTATT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREDE, I have hereunto set ray hand and affixed.the official seal of said City this 8th day of December, 19.5a. SHIRLEY H, TENNIFH (SEAL) Lit)) Clerk ortre C777 trt )77:EriLda7— * * * * * * * * * 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No, 3:01A, APTROVING DIVISION OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY TOLL CROSSINGS PLAN Cr ACWISITION OF RIGHT CF WAY FOR SOUTHERN CRfSSING AND SETTING ASIDE AND RESERVING CERTAIN DESIGNATED LANDS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. FfR FUTUBE AGOISITIOT 3Y THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR STATE 13211 12 PURPOSES. (DRAWING P-2012-39)", introduced a21 d adopted by the Coumil on the 7th faIhbf December, 1954,