Resolution 05029Iq7 "-) RESOLUTIOU WO. 5029 CA:ICELLIIIG CITY nY PROSSISPIS AiiniRD hi SCHOOL DISTRICT 7on PUBLIC PURPOSES. iSsv Tasion 's7.FEIREAS, the followinm described.real proper,y situated. In the City. of Alamda, County of Alhmeda, State of California, to-wit', BEaINNING at a point on. the northeni line of' Tnssior Avenue, distant thereon 242 feet westerly from the western line of 9th Street, formerly McPherson Street; Punning Silence westerly along :laic. line of Taylor Avems? 25 feet; thence at ri7ht angles northerly 110 feet; thence at 1,1ht smgles easterly. 25 feet; th.snen at right flgics southhriy 110 fest to thh point of beginniws,, (TAX SILL, NC. OCOB, 1954- 19BBB.; AB 279, Pas been assessed. noretofore for city p=poses for the fiscal year 195Cy1955 and. taxes (B26.06) and Denhities (76.0 levied thereon in the sum. of B26.64B IsSich sum .B10.85 BBB oesn p&id, and. the Iln.99, remainn nrnoilosted. and. unpaid', snn WITHRISS, after the time said taxes became a lien on Psnl. property., to-wit, cni December 1 954, said. real nropiisty was, by Deed vecopdod in. the office of the County. Recorder of Alsmed.9. County- on. December 1, 1954, in 3ook 7B96 of Officiel Records, Rt pahe 9'9, acquired, and ever since hhs been, Rni now is, owned sy SIamida Unified.. School District, e. nubils body, Dna 6.sn been and. now is beinrs w.,:ed. for pub- lic. puTposes, and becanne oI'. such public ownanship is not sabject to sale Poi dclins quent tazins; Nag OTEREFaIE, BE IT BESOLTID BY THY. CO-ONCii OP fdn PCTir OF AIATIEDA, mita She npitisn sonsent of thn City Attorney' attachsd. Poreto, thnt oil uncollected. te,iss charmes or levies for city purposes upon tne aIoPesaid. real psopoln,y, toRetnia, with. nonaites and costs thereon, be, and the oane are noreby, canes:11nd, ane tho Asinittor and Tax. Collector of the City of Alameda are hereby authorized and. directed. to cannel the same on thoir respnctivs books. SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, anythivng in tsnis resolution to the. contrary notwit'a- standin, th...at this resolution. and 32j..01' shall not. be construed as cr.ricellinc, or autnsnizlng the coneeliption of, stay snecial snsessment taxes levied aFoinst smld. real property by. City of Aismeds. pursuant. to the provisions c5 the "Acquisition and lmppovement Act of 1925" J. P. Clarl., City Attorney of Mae City. of Alameda, State of Calirornia, hereby. consent to the esmosilintion of sny- '),10 sil uncollected. taxes cnd assess- ments or pen2aties and costs nnnreon, (rnaled or levier,. lor oit7;"ourroces upon the real property described in. the within resolution, nity Attorney of the City of &Laminae. I, tfte unBersimaeo, hereby nertify thPt the foregoing !Is:solution. son duly and. regularly introducec and acopted. oy tLe .Couneli or the City. of' Aisameos in peps1Lar meetinm assembled. on the 4th SoT of Janucry$ 19Sn, by. the following vote, to Bit: (5) ABIIS! Councilmen Esng, Jones, McCall, Morrill and. President Anderson, AIISIITT None . ITITNESS SPETITIKq, I have hornunto set ..su hini an3 affixed the siiicial sepl of said. City this th dny of Ian:snips, 1955. f)GFIGM rj.M" TRIC)G1 SEPAL ) G 5)) 17:57:771-9ETZTITTER,7717,---- I hereby. osrtIfy tha, the fcnce,iniav, is a full, true and. connect copy of 'SSesolutlon No. 5029, CANCELLIITS °IT'S TAXES OM PROSSRTY AC(ISPOISI) 3Y SCHOOL, DISIISICT FOR PUBLIC SURPOSES."(827 Taylcr Avenue)