Resolution 050302 RESOLUTION NO. 5030 MTITCRIZING THE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT 10 CONMACT NOY(U)-22357 F.ELATING TO aDil.,TT SERVI,CES NA.V7( F'UDIfiC OUARTERS 7C, . WHHEFAS, Uni 3 tsvi. Stntes of Avnlwlf.. Distvict Public Works Office, TweJith Navai District, Sall wrunn, Ceilfornda, has submitted. n forrs of avveembnt ameniing Contract NO7(01-22357, (ChanFe relatinv to direct services to be rnvlered. by thb City to Navy Off-SttiorvPubii.c., Quarters (formerly Defense ivousiyiv, project CAL -0.3.31..) and Tionoja. 331 wsin7 project. Naval Air Stetion3, for fiscal yea..? 1954-19553 whereby tlie. lump sum annal cost for servives enum,...-;rsted in Article 1, parlaFraph I, is chanFed. to read %3,7Y0.6,5, in lieu. of .i.30,7':26,00, effective july 13 195).1.; 'vvid WHEREAS, the fornw)f said CLarige has been presented to this 0ounc...1.1 is flimiliar with. the proviv,ions thereof; and. WHEREAS, it is in uubiir intrest tivat oeld P.menAnnt ClisInve 7,30 should bo eT.ocuteds; NOW THERK,.i0HE, BE IT RESOLVED 9v 'HE COUNCIL 07' THE CITY OF ALAV.EDA. that the afcresais:, agrement amen.61na Contract 4 Cy(1.1.) -22357 (Chanve be entered. into, vvid the Ma:v-0r of the City of ilamoda is .13tervb3- authorized. directe t.oe wlecute tho same on. belialf of the City of Alameda and the 0]erk is authorized to attest the, se.r.e„. I, the Iln.rsigned., hsarWiy cert.i.fy that the foregoirIF I.V.3.svlution was ,Auicy- sn.d. regullarly introduced am'. a6lopted. ithe Coonvi]. of the City. c..i! Alamedp in evulvr meetin7 vsserVuled on th.e i.ay Of Jarmo:7', 19,003.3 oy fcliowing vote, to wit: , f.,2EAL) (3cawiliscri ilvas3 Oons, vnc, Fresisn. AmvirwsGn, IMES: None. ABSENT None. IN WITNES I hvve hereunto set ry Kand AP.5. affiysv6 th.e official wwis0v usa foruviinv Io L vws, csvrvei v,ivv vv HCN3JA 0i,," invvo6ve3w2 vvld adonteS 'CAT Ghe CGwneil on ,f