Resolution 05031AELOLTLION NO. 5i131 APPOINTING lb A. Abbiffd AUFLeSATOWT16. OF TH7F LOUSING AUL Ad Of TILE g-licy OF ALAMELA. 16?f,MTVED BA: THE! COUNCIL OT7 Tfid SITS. OF ALATTADA tbat, pursuant to the provisions of Act 3483, Hodying Autb6ritif Law, T, A. ,.t.. ._.a bc,• and he is befeby, epnointed ss Conmissioner of the Housine Authbfity of the City el> Atcybdte for s tern. E..: tea., on Ailyust 10, 1956, de fill the uncApircei teibb of Sidney A. Hacy, rosiAtied, nni to serve until Cid socceosor — elipoictoo. and. is qualified– I, the undorsifined, hcfeby certify- thAt foreyoin6 Eesolution was anid rdnadiaaly Inifocuced adOOLOPO ay tde Cownei1. O. 'the city oy' Alamccb specnAl moeticc anoembled on the lith day 61. Senudyy, 18,553 L38 tb4 -vote, to 'Alt: Actowciireeb Hand, &PP' Acfal71, obi Flbsiiebt Anietbob, It NOF16: None. ABS'Egi: None. fITIALAS AbiL61C)F, 1 hove befrecAto set tey 1, n. and 1',. r.. tite official seal ef sai. City tnis Stith day cf January., 117.75. zr8i 11HIRTAT . 'City Cie GAL .67 of Alaneda I here L, certify that the fcregoi. y is a fuif, tacao sna. cebbect copy o 17 idescluti. on No. 5031, ala991d119.119 T, fdit COILOAFCSAWASAB. OA' fiefi andEI WO V1THO'FI OF T1E9 CITY. OF ALAMtbdiS, irtroduced. and adopted by tAs Courb17 OP the toy of JAnuary, 19n 5. A