Resolution 05036155 RESOI=ON YO. 5036 PRESCRIBING EOR.1,,. 0? OENERAT, 1.7,ETECIPAL FLECTTON AND 3PECIAL„ FEJlaCIPAI. BOND ELECITTON AND SPECIAI MON-II:OPAL C.:HPEETPE. APEJ,,jNDMENT ELECTION CONSOLIDATED THF,Ef,ZEITIT„ TO EE HELD IN BBB CITY OF AlEM,EDA. 07 1".,TESDAY, 1,,,TACH 6, 1965 WHEhl,,,AS, a 1,111n1El'oal e7.1ectiop will rg, 1.,010 3.1.1 toe Glif.,Tof on Tuesday, M,o,ch -1P65, pur21.1.61at tioE Chrtooro of lond. the Coancil by resolution. adopted on. January 16, has called. a special. chlar.cer o.110. ccr,90116,..oted it with. o electd all_Co the Council. ordinance introduced in the Coancii on January 18, 1.955, and ppssed. or. to . be T...,agod. on Februry 11, 1955, hos a specip.1 municipal bond election ane hns conoolidateE T°H6 with said .P.eneral mura.:;Cipal olection, NOW, THFREFORE BE RESOINTED by the C01).1'10:71 or tTle C',,ty 02 Alameda. as Sect' The ballots to bo used at seld !E.en.Forol municilial. election zaid. speci1717,-FEHITEpall. bond. election. Fond speci.E1 momiclprol amendnent election oDnsolidted. thorewith shell be In. slibstaptiel.71.7 thp followirj form, to wit: laumber : MARK (XI ON' BALLOT : be torn Off by ONLY WTTII RUT "Er.ENTD,6-777.66-17 .1-113 peotor). „ ,00:002.-0 BALI:00- B0LAK0B tO thiS tr.fooforated lino, 2.(E...vin7 GENEs.i.Alo 'OEJNICIFAL a60,,T1.0'O[ 5,0,TO) „ ELECErfo,F YiO SFE,(OIAL, rEliCIP:AL AFfEIT.P2-7,17 7E.O:EE,..1.01T 1 IDATEJ CITY 0'4' .A.L.O.1%-.EDA :,lameda Count7, Yaofc'.1 P, 1955 i:j.c.ET:',707T.,,O' T LES VC* or o te Cf. "ce,er Fee. I Ceat: etcree, CerCr3" 1,7,C) te 'ere rero:1, tho nooe of OP ',Cr` c eCildiCe'tOS thc coEfi,,c, ore 'oc ! cicetod, .,,toomp o crcs,g, () nfarc, or 0.1i 'oho Eo,-es thott of,JE...ce 17or Eno to voY.,o, not to Loco,,e6f, n„TEfoo,.. 0.('L r:JC.Ct(c1,, BBA Boilct cA0s cootrin -hh )f for ,E1,1 -„.)r oel,E voto, : ° 1R,Lo for Lootcs for ofi:c xr:ccteo r',2!",o c2 crnOf!..da'„o ;.'or Lo in s Ce n'U=.70C r.Ot olEfice tlEo oirEE thr!, rorposc, 2o voto on. so,Evve "v-E,O'' or ifEe yrr( 1E17.1 vEce,,,t -be ,-.;T:'093 fofb16ec ' Do.sret,-, of :1,,ct.1.,,n 'onn,focr. oo ro-, c.,00s (X) Eftifo, ' fvET-"-ED Ofcr : (.(14.6.1.(sia(.4)....: Shall the. City of Alameda. incur a . . bonded inhebtednoso in. the princis . . . : (,.Noias.kpal Golf pal. amount of ("N700,000 for the . . , f COUTSe Improv - acquisition, constr.:motion ond . : moats) completion of tho folluwing . , . rotuniulpul improvement, to vit: M7Y2 : : Niathsipal Golf Coumse improvements cokaorsiusing: . , : :• sanitakk sewsas and.. ster llnps for sanitary . . , : facilitlus and do:ink-An:7; fountains on existine . : municipal Fuji course; new eighteen hole mnicips.1 : . . : 7:03f C071f7'2C end club heuse to be constructed on ' , : land owned. or to be owned. by thp .C.ty, including . . . : svoNipm, filling, construction pi:fro-L.:Iwo : devhlopment of fairwave and traps, club and . . „ : service huildinm(s mod oesairment, ar.d. water mass2 . . : sprinkaom systomh, sanitary sewees, fences, parkanak , . : lot, service and access roads, pipes, fittinms, ' . : valves, swvanaklums, welas, pumps, reservoir, , , , . : am:averts, machinery, noaparatuu aff.d. equipment :IT : , : therefor; and othosa works, pro:poetics or structures . , ': necessary. or convenient for municipal. gulaS course . . , . : ilarovements of. the CI:pi of Alameda? , , . , , 15,1,.,,,:.:IT.:,,,E cF!.1.: slapal thp Camsactor of the City of , , , .ieameda be am:endue, by. amenaing . . . . City of Alosovada Sestaon 2.-5 of' Article IT thuruof ONES . . . COortom Ampiaoleut to provide that every C:ity offiuem „ , , Proposal 1,1'0.1 rwforred. to in Charter Section „ . . 2-12 shall be a awasidant of Nuo . , . . : Pity amrinm tPe tenure of his offalse and flout ersio:moss. : . , , of thp City, sthor thp:n offal officers, shall resleu : within rfop City ov within fifteen miles sV' the CifT , , , : linats theresf, flau text of ahice Seetiun 2-5 as so . , . . : amended is set forte in Sectaon 3 of Rescaution No. . : 5°35, arionted kr' thu Council. of said. City on Tassaas, . . , : JOusasassa 18, 1555, and. on file io. tho ciaMfse of the , , , , . _psi m : Ime:,AZURE„,(G): Shall the ChaTter of the eitIV ' , : of Alarmeda bp amended. by adding . . . , , (City- of iNurieda thereto fivticie XXIV, comevrisin . . . Chartor akftd5 SecLi,fra 2451 to 2451(3, ,outh , , - ment ',Proposal Amulesive, to authorize. said. Citv , : No. 2a) to provide for off -strvet veNUcular . parking foul_lit:i.us anfi.„ for the paykAnt f ' , :of the COE', taromf, to lkome banak Isrjakmle from V:se . , . . :revert:us of sack oarklnm faellitius and .fras: ether revs- . , snmus, all as Ipsowided in. art.d. ArtJcie XXIV, ths tept sh . , warish Is set forth. in. Seat:ion 3 of Resolution No, 50Ve :ND : .adopta0 boo the Worn:sell of said fitm• on. Nwssaay, Jsrtpry 1.9, : , . .1955, and on file in tho offalco of the City Clerk? , ' P . , . . Suctiow 2. The Cito 51eme is kerptos directed to cause ofericial fulloto kad sowl.(.717(.:1(17.1.75(TY-in. emJastautiallw the form. herein set forth. to bo: rasintsS. for U3C at said. ronora]. mun!..cipasi Maseuhfakm :and special municipal buff,. s2potien. and special mmuipipsi charter amenNmemt ..,2cctuain consoladvted -.SASSED MOND ADOFf(..1) this Sfath. day of January., hy Who folfuvrva mofe, AYES: Cousecilun Haan, Jo..upa, TicOsUfa, laoresi smd Presidert Anmaorson, t P5a.E.:02 Nap. , farmsraff: Mammy of Ut:me4itu of Alarmada Callifhoosia 357 I, H, IC:it:tit, City Close of tine Oilt CS Opliforniso do heroics certify that the forseetsc is I full, troe caursot cono of a nutiGiction foly tiro—sod be at lttpt a two-thirds voto oI a,1 manbere of tnc Colinit at a re eslan coati-ore of said 'Cannel) PPC' et. tan rasahno piaci thereof in Ulso th dah of Issottd, sn'on neat:Las all if the munbors oa pais nounoi-i had Cue octica; that es ssif raotius r000luto'oDn intro.-hence hv Ciancilhar 'luau and read is full ohs? was thorbocon, '°017,10- of Coundllonar spec naiad be] haucti, sots se-sated Pa 'the sip:Liss Councils:len Hasa,. Jonas, "dorsal, iiahusi PrIt' Propident Aabbreon,(I). if:0=n ?nue. PliCCIT: done, Thst I have carefully combated the same with. the osicinal. winutes of sail. lissatihr, on file and of record Jo. my office and. that said leniolianios is dilly entered of" record. in Book , of , at pastes to incincivc, and. said resolution. is a copy c5f7-71.T7SS orianisal rnsolution. adopted st said. reputing and. entdred. in said mindtes. That said. recoisticu hae npt bean amendol, modified Or rescinded since the date of its adoption and thu Saln::: is now in full fordo end effect. my hand std. ,t thp city sf ilsteddo. this 19th. day of Jaroadru, 1955. ;CHI:EL:EY H. 7k5:515i77M5isTS-555P5TISS.S—li c al if cissii I ,oHl-ohy oe'cLify foreississ is a foil, looqo oorouu.,„ (o,o,o of POCOL'ITO7 TOSil Uni07 'IP inctinU al icGdO hilITinnl ,1M SlodIaL Oder:Li unaiih a rilOTIOI eaUiCant'n IlD S. ',tic) in °tic iiTI 07 taaroducas sun. sdoptca t,7" (.0on021 ur, tOo 1C,h Oay o, Oaracsa,.o,