Resolution 05037) ADOPTING SPECIIIICA.T10,:1S, PROVII,ION,,:., AND FLPI,JS 7CE FURNISHING AND ERECTING, CHAI7I LIKBH?:110E ALONG SOUTEERN PACITT'IC EIGHT WAY NEAT: SEGFTISATION FOP TIID3 1:TD•DITI.T:ICIY,..4 CITY 01,2RK TO ADVERTIS7I; S.A.142. CIT,y Sn,claI Ploni Ccr of n tre Soll'Thern l',CeT nu to 'Iood -2 jn o' the Ctty Cirri:: on VIII; an's: P1P-ns, fil-d ::amc pn,:roly2.1fle Pr(' o::' .Gry, - P-1.-:,laic-rs thr 1.-11:^0:1 thn Ocnc1.1. of o' r,:cedvo t, ejty of '111 trachn:,ry„ ,",(111.10 ACUen1,11.P0 Cor n101-0 ProvLI'..),:. FAIst -.:esorit -0 t3 elcrl:„ Iltr 1,1%,:o6a, 1. un6cr 1101/1110, pa,c!.,117 or 'Pro- Link Fe,len S 1 FflellriC 70;10111Y..11 01- 0.1n, 7.:Fr a?' CD If ofl 100111 rc, Lowc.ot Spec::f1..::::151oris and. l'rovIsions mey bo :::Pd oT, arty bld.O.er on applicat:.on to thc., Clty Eng:I-neer, 8t h13 office in th:: City Hall, ALmeda, cnal— forniv— Th.:: City Cler-1:-. is hereby dJ.rected. to ::d.vert1.8e, in tbe Alameda T....rico e.. notice calainp. for, hi:Es, in. accor:::::.ace 1.2oviUolls thj.s :vescia- tion Pnd. of sald. Specificatinns and Provisions. 01 ;1 11 :1 0: 8. 81 11 ,..andtrsignda„ hereo7 celtiZy that the Ioreco.ln.g. Lescaution wa:: dialv int..,oduceC an.:1 Ecopt,:d of th.:: Cit7 of Alc.ry.:. mectirt:: assen.bled on the of Janu:::17, 1955a, by. the followin:: vot::, to wit: Councilmen Noresi President Anderson, C:,). NO2E..',. None. A30ENT: None. war,r,:."..I'S. :00070 here:Int:: set yrty affix::,1 the official seal of' sn;i:: City' this 1.9th. of jR.r.u.ory, 1955. I lipreby certify thet a. an.6. co:orect co..t..7 of "r,,,n'..lolutinn No. SPF,CII:IICATIO,M, SPECIAL PROVISICNS PLAITS FOR AND ERIX.ITINC4 CIDIIN LINK AIXYR.I. SOUTHERN. PACTIJC RIGHT OP ',ILI:I ITEAR SIr.R7GATION Fo7. BIDS SA1173.", introduced. ma e.dopte6 thn (::::unc.11. on. the 18th